
June 12, 2024 dental care

Good oral health is a crucial component of overall well-being. It not only ensures a healthy mouth but also helps prevent various diseases that can affect other parts of the body. Incorporating dental self-care into your daily routine can significantly improve your oral health and contribute positively to your general health. This guide provides simple, actionable tips that can easily be integrated into everyday life to maintain and enhance dental health.

Morning Oral Hygiene Routine

A robust morning oral hygiene routine is essential for maintaining dental health and ensuring a fresh start to the day. It helps prevent dental diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease, and can enhance your overall health by reducing the risk of systemic issues linked to poor oral hygiene. Here are expanded tips on how to optimize your morning oral care routine.

Start with Water

Kickstart Saliva Production

Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water to kickstart saliva production. Saliva is crucial for neutralizing acid produced by bacteria overnight, which helps protect enamel from erosion.

Flush Out Bacteria

Water acts as a natural cleanser by diluting the concentrations of bacteria and their waste products in the mouth. This simple act can reduce the bacterial load and lessen the risk of bad breath and tooth decay.

Brushing Effectively

Choose the Right Tools

Select a soft-bristled toothbrush that fits comfortably in your mouth and reaches all areas easily. Pair it with fluoride toothpaste approved by dental health associations to ensure you are getting the most effective and safe ingredients for tooth protection.

Technique Matters

Focus on technique as much as duration. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums and use gentle circular motions. Avoid aggressive brushing, which can damage gums and enamel. Ensure you brush all surfaces of each tooth – the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces.

Don’t Forget the Tongue

Bacteria on your tongue can contribute to bad breath and negatively affect your dental health. Gently brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper to remove the coating that usually forms while you sleep.

Flossing is Essential

Proper Flossing Technique

Use about 18 inches of floss, winding most of it around each of your middle fingers, and leave an inch or two to work with. Gently slide the floss up and down between your teeth, following the curve of each tooth. It’s important to floss under the gumline, but do so carefully to avoid damaging the tissue.

Consistency is Key

Flossing is a critical component of dental health, yet often neglected. Regular flossing removes plaque and food particles from areas where a toothbrush can’t reach, significantly reducing the possibility of gum disease and tooth decay.

Throughout the Day

Maintaining optimal dental health requires attention beyond the morning and evening brushing routines. What you do throughout the day plays a crucial role in preserving your teeth and gums. Here’s how you can protect and enhance your oral health from morning till night.

Hydrate Regularly

Promotes Saliva Production

Staying hydrated is essential not only for overall health but also for oral health. Saliva is your mouth’s first defense against tooth decay, as it helps wash away food particles and neutralizes harmful acids. Drinking water throughout the day boosts saliva production, which naturally protects your teeth.

Water vs. Other Beverages

Choosing water over sugary or acidic drinks is vital for dental health. Beverages like soda, coffee, and even fruit juices can contribute to enamel erosion and tooth decay due to their high sugar and acid content. Water, on the other hand, has no calories, sugar, or acids, and helps maintain a neutral pH level in the mouth.

Mindful Eating

Choose Teeth-Friendly Foods

Incorporate foods that are beneficial for your teeth into your daily diet. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery help clean your teeth naturally by removing surface stains and plaque. They also increase saliva production, which is beneficial for oral health.

Avoid Snacking on Sugary Treats

Continuous snacking on sugary foods can lead to more frequent acid attacks on tooth enamel, increasing the risk of cavities. If you need to snack, opt for nutritious foods like nuts or cheese, which can actually help remineralize your teeth thanks to their calcium and phosphorus content.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Stimulate Saliva Flow

Chewing sugar-free gum, especially after meals and snacks when brushing isn’t possible, is an excellent way to increase saliva flow. Saliva helps to wash away food debris and neutralize acids produced by bacteria in your mouth, protecting your teeth from decay.

Selecting the Right Gum

Look for gums that carry the ADA (American Dental Association) Seal of Acceptance, which are sweetened by non-cavity-causing sweeteners such as xylitol, sorbitol, or mannitol. Xylitol is particularly beneficial as it has been shown to reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria in plaque.

Evening Oral Care Routine

A thorough evening oral care routine is essential for removing plaque and bacteria accumulated throughout the day and setting the stage for a restful night’s sleep. By prioritizing your dental health before bedtime, you can prevent dental issues such as cavities and gum disease while ensuring a fresh start for your mouth in the morning. Here’s how to optimize your evening oral care routine with detailed steps.

Last Brush of the Day

Brushing your teeth before bed is crucial for removing plaque and food particles that have accumulated throughout the day. This final brush ensures that your mouth is clean before you sleep, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and cavities overnight.

Choose a Gentle Approach

Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to gently clean your teeth and gums. Avoid aggressive brushing, as this can damage tooth enamel and irritate the gums. Instead, use gentle circular motions and take your time to thoroughly clean all surfaces of your teeth.

Reach Every Nook and Cranny

Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas, such as the back molars and along the gumline. These areas are prone to plaque buildup and require extra care to ensure thorough cleaning. Angle your toothbrush towards the gumline to reach plaque hiding along the margins.

Consider Mouthwash

Extra Protection Against Decay

Using a fluoride mouthwash as part of your evening routine provides an additional layer of protection against tooth decay. Mouthwash reaches areas of the mouth that may have been missed by brushing and flossing, providing a comprehensive clean.

Combating Gum Inflammation

Certain mouthwashes contain antibacterial ingredients that can help reduce gum inflammation and fight gingivitis. Incorporating mouthwash into your evening routine can promote healthier gums and prevent periodontal disease.

Night Guards for Grinders

Protection Against Teeth Grinding

If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard can help protect your teeth from damage. Night guards act as a cushion between your upper and lower teeth, preventing them from grinding against each other and causing wear and tear.

Custom-Fitted Guards

Consider getting a custom-fitted night guard from your dentist for optimal comfort and protection. Custom guards are molded to fit your teeth precisely, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit that won’t interfere with your sleep.

Maintenance and Care

Clean your night guard regularly with a mild soap and water to remove bacteria and plaque buildup. Store it in a clean, dry case when not in use to prevent contamination and damage.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Schedule Biannual Visits

Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and check-up. These visits are crucial for catching potential issues early, such as cavities, gum disease, or even oral cancer.

Be Proactive with Treatments

If your dentist recommends procedures such as fillings, sealants, or deeper cleanings, don’t delay. Addressing issues early can prevent more serious problems and potentially costly treatments in the future.

Integrating these dental self-care tips into your daily routine can significantly enhance your oral health and, by extension, your overall health. Regular care keeps your teeth and gums in top condition and prevents diseases that might affect other parts of your body. Remember, a healthy mouth supports a healthy body, and daily oral hygiene is key to maintaining both. To check schedule your semiannual cleaning, call Logan Dental.


Dental implants represent a significant advancement in restorative dentistry, offering a long-term solution for missing teeth. Beyond simply filling gaps, dental implants provide substantial structural support, maintain facial aesthetics, and contribute to overall oral health. This detailed exploration delves into how dental implants support physical structure and enhance health, affirming their critical role in both functional dentistry and aesthetic restoration.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants consist of titanium posts surgically embedded into the jawbone, acting as replacements for the roots of missing teeth. These implants support crowns, bridges, or dentures, providing a secure, stable foundation that closely mimics natural teeth. The unique property of titanium to fuse with bone through a process called osseointegration makes these implants particularly effective in mimicking the natural structure of teeth.

Structural Benefits of Dental Implants

Preservation of Bone Structure

The loss of a tooth leads to the gradual deterioration of the underlying jawbone due to the absence of root stimulation. This process, known as resorption, can lead to significant bone loss over time. Dental implants act as artificial roots, providing the necessary stimulation for bone to maintain its density and structure. This preservation of bone not only helps in maintaining the strength of the jaw but also in preventing the changes in facial structure associated with bone loss.

Maintaining Facial Aesthetics

Jawbone deterioration impacts facial aesthetics, often leading to a sunken appearance that can make individuals look older than they are. By preserving the jawbone’s structure, dental implants maintain the natural shape of the face. This support helps avoid the sunken cheeks and lips that are often seen with dentures, contributing to a more youthful and healthy appearance.

Health Benefits of Dental Implants

Stronger Biting and Chewing Ability

Dental implants are anchored directly into the jawbone, mirroring the structure of natural teeth. This secure anchorage provides a biting force nearly equivalent to that of natural teeth, allowing patients to enjoy a variety of foods, including tougher options like steak and crunchy vegetables. This restored function is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet, which is essential for overall health.

Preservation of Natural Teeth

By providing independent support to crowns, bridges, or dentures, dental implants prevent additional strain on surrounding natural teeth. Traditional bridges, for example, rely on adjacent teeth for support, which can lead to tooth wear and decay over time. Implants eliminate this need, thereby preserving the integrity and longevity of the remaining natural teeth.

Improvement in Oral Health

Preventing Bone Loss and Gum Disease

The presence of dental implants helps to maintain jawbone density and prevents the bone loss that typically follows tooth loss. This preservation of bone not only supports oral health by maintaining the alignment of surrounding teeth and preventing their shift but also reduces the risk of periodontal disease by eliminating the deep pockets that can form around tooth gaps.

Easier Oral Hygiene

Implants are designed to integrate seamlessly with your natural teeth, making daily oral hygiene routines more effective. Unlike dentures, which require removal for cleaning, implants can be brushed and flossed just like natural teeth. This simplicity in care reduces the risk of implant-related infections and promotes a healthier oral environment.

Longevity and Reliability

Long-Term Solution with Minimal Maintenance

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. Their titanium construction and integration into the jawbone provide a durable foundation that resists wear and decay far better than other dental restoration options. With proper hygiene and regular dental check-ups, implants rarely require replacement, making them a highly reliable and cost-effective long-term solution for tooth loss.

Cost-Effectiveness Over Time

While the initial cost of dental implants may be higher than other tooth replacement options, their durability and minimal maintenance requirements make them more economical over time. The avoidance of future dental issues, such as adjacent tooth wear or jawbone deterioration, can result in fewer dental visits and less need for further restorative work, ultimately saving money for patients.

Psychological and Social Benefits

The aesthetic improvement offered by dental implants goes hand in hand with significant psychological benefits. Having a full set of functional teeth enhances self-esteem and confidence, allowing individuals to smile freely and communicate effectively. Social interactions become more enjoyable and less stressful, especially for those who were previously self-conscious about their teeth.

Dental implants provide far-reaching benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. They are pivotal in maintaining the integrity of facial structures, ensuring robust oral health, and enhancing quality of life through improved functionality and appearance. For anyone considering options for replacing missing teeth, dental implants represent a sophisticated solution that offers not only a restoration of dental function but also a renewal of confidence and well-being. As such, they are an invaluable investment in one’s oral and general health. If you would like to see if you are a candidate for dental implants, contact Logan Dental to discuss your situation.


May 15, 2024 dental care

Dental anxiety is a common issue that prevents many individuals from seeking necessary dental care. Sedation dentistry has emerged as a crucial solution to this problem, offering various methods to help patients remain calm and comfortable during dental procedures. This article explores sedation dentistry, discusses its benefits, and outlines the different methods available, aiming to reassure those with dental anxieties about their options for a relaxed dental visit.

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s often referred to as “sleep dentistry,” although that term can be misleading as most forms of sedation do not actually put patients to sleep. Instead, they help you feel more comfortable and less anxious during your dental visit.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry not only helps patients endure dental procedures with less anxiety but offers a range of additional benefits that can make a significant difference in the overall dental care experience. Here’s a more detailed look at each of these benefits:

Reduced Anxiety

Reducing anxiety is one of the most significant benefits of sedation dentistry. Many individuals experience fear or stress when thinking about dental procedures, which can lead to postponing or entirely avoiding necessary dental care. Sedation dentistry uses medications that help calm the patient, creating a soothing experience that can eliminate the fear associated with sitting in the dentist’s chair. This anxiety-free experience is particularly beneficial for patients with dental phobias, enabling them to receive regular dental care that is essential for maintaining oral health.

Pain Management

Dental procedures can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially those involving surgery or extensive treatments. Sedation dentistry plays a crucial role in pain management by dulling the senses. While some forms of sedation do not eliminate pain completely, they are typically used in conjunction with local anesthetics to ensure that the patient remains pain-free during the procedure. This approach is especially important for patients who are sensitive to pain or have conditions that make dental work particularly painful.

Improved Efficiency

Sedation allows dentists to work more efficiently for several reasons. First, when patients are sedated, they tend to move less, making it easier for the dentist to perform the necessary procedures without interruption. Second, patients who are relaxed and comfortable are less likely to need breaks during a lengthy procedure, which can significantly shorten the duration of the visit. Furthermore, sedation can enable dentists to combine multiple procedures into a single visit that would otherwise require several appointments, saving time for both the patient and the dental practice.

Amnesia Effect

For many, the fear of dental procedures is tied not just to the immediate discomfort but also to the memories of that discomfort. Certain types of sedatives used in dentistry have amnesic effects, meaning that patients may remember little to nothing about the procedure afterward. This benefit is particularly valuable for those who experience severe anxiety or phobia about dental work. Knowing that they are unlikely to remember the uncomfortable aspects of the procedure can make patients more willing to undergo necessary treatments.

Increased Cooperation from Patients

Patients who are anxious or fearful might involuntarily react by moving, flinching, or even trying to get out of the dental chair, which can complicate the procedure. Sedation helps in minimizing these involuntary movements and can be particularly helpful for individuals with physical or cognitive conditions that make it difficult to remain still. Children and adults with conditions such as ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, or cerebral palsy, who might find it challenging to endure long procedures, can benefit significantly from sedation options that help them relax and stay calm.

Accessibility for More Patients

Sedation dentistry is not only for those with dental anxieties; it also makes dental care accessible to a broader range of patients. For example, individuals who have had traumatic experiences with dental care in the past or those with a strong gag reflex often find sedation dentistry offers a way to receive care comfortably and without stress. Additionally, for those who need complex procedures or extensive treatments, sedation can make the experience more bearable and less daunting.

Methods of Sedation in Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that is inhaled through a mask placed over the nose. It helps patients relax and wears off quickly after the mask is removed, allowing patients to drive themselves home after the procedure.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed dose of sedative drug before the appointment. The level of sedation can range from minimal to moderate depending on the dose. With minimal sedation, you’ll be awake but relaxed. Moderate sedation might make you slur your words and not remember much of the procedure.

IV Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation offers a deeper level of sedation compared to oral and nitrous oxide. The sedative drug is administered directly into the bloodstream, which means it works more quickly. This method allows the dentist to adjust the level of sedation as needed during the procedure.

General Anesthesia

Under general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious. This method is reserved for extensive dental procedures and for patients who do not respond well to other types of sedation. Recovery from general anesthesia takes longer, and patients will need someone to drive them home.

Choosing the Right Type of Sedation

The choice of sedation method depends on the patient’s level of anxiety, the complexity of the procedure, and the patient’s health history. A consultation with a sedation dentist is necessary to determine the most appropriate type of sedation. During this consultation, the dentist will review your medical history, discuss your anxieties, and explain what you can expect from the sedation options.

Sedation dentistry has transformed the dental experience for anxious patients by offering a range of options tailored to the severity of their anxiety and the type of dental work needed. Whether it’s a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, sedation dentistry can help ensure a calm, pain-free dental visit. If you have been avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety, consider discussing sedation dentistry with your dental provider, or contact Logan Dental to plan your dental procedure. This approach could be the key to maintaining your dental health without the stress and anxiety traditionally associated with dental visits.


May 1, 2024 dental care

Navigating the world of pediatric orthodontics can be daunting for parents. Knowing when to start treatment, recognizing the signs that braces might be needed, and preparing your child for the journey requires thoughtful consideration and planning. This guide provides comprehensive insights into pediatric orthodontics, offering essential information on the optimal timing for treatment, the indicators that orthodontic intervention is needed, and how to ensure your child feels supported throughout the process.

When to Consult a Pediatric Orthodontist

Early Assessments

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. At this age, a pediatric orthodontist can identify any developmental issues that might indicate future orthodontic needs. Early assessment does not necessarily mean immediate treatment, but it allows the orthodontist to monitor the child’s growth patterns and plan for potential interventions.

Benefits of Early Consultation

  • Timely Identification of Issues: Early detection of potential problems such as crowding, bite discrepancies, or jaw misalignments.
  • Growth Monitoring: Allows the orthodontist to take advantage of a child’s growth spurts for more effective treatment planning.
  • Preventative Measures: Early consultations can lead to interventions that prevent more severe problems later on.

Signs Your Child May Need Braces

Visible Signs

  • Crowded or Overlapping Teeth: Difficulty in cleaning teeth properly which can lead to cavities and gum disease.
  • Misaligned Jaw or Bite Issues: Overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite that can affect chewing and speaking.
  • Gaps Between Teeth: Although sometimes a cosmetic concern, significant gaps can also impact the effectiveness of chewing.

Behavioral Signs

  • Difficulty in Chewing or Biting: If your child avoids certain foods or chews awkwardly, it might be due to discomfort from misaligned teeth.
  • Breathing Through the Mouth: Consistent mouth breathing can be associated with dental and facial developmental issues.
  • Frequent Biting of the Cheeks or Roof of the Mouth: This can be a sign of misalignment.

Preparing Your Child for Braces

Education and Communication

  • Understanding Braces:
  • Start by explaining what braces are and their purpose in simple terms. For instance, you could say, “Braces help straighten your teeth so they can look and work better.” Use visuals like diagrams or photos to show how braces align teeth over time.
  • Addressing Concerns:
  • Encourage your child to express any fears or concerns. Address these openly by discussing what will happen during the orthodontic appointments, the types of tools that will be used, and how they might feel during the process.
  • Positive Reinforcement:
  • Share success stories of other children who have had braces, focusing on both the process and the outcome. Highlight the benefits, such as improved smiles and easier cleaning, and reinforce that any temporary discomfort is worth the long-term benefits.

Choosing the Right Time

  • Consider Your Child’s Schedule:
  • Look for a time when your child’s routine is most stable—avoid periods of major events like exams or transitions to a new school. The goal is to have them start their orthodontic treatment when they’re most at ease and less likely to face additional stresses.
  • Seasonal Considerations:
  • Some parents choose to start orthodontic treatment during summer or winter breaks when daily schedules are more relaxed and children have time to adjust to the feeling of braces before returning to school.

Involving Your Child in the Process

  • Personalization Options:
  • If possible, let your child choose the color of the brackets or the bands. This can make the experience more personal and engaging. Some orthodontists offer a range of colors or even themes, which can make the process feel more fun.
  • Preparatory Visits:
  • Take your child to the orthodontist’s office for a casual visit before the actual treatment begins. Let them meet the staff and become familiar with the environment, which can reduce anxiety about the procedures.

Setting Expectations

  • Realistic Outcomes:
  • Clearly explain what your child can expect during each phase of the treatment. Discuss how braces might feel initially and how adjustments are made. Stress that while there might be some discomfort, it will decrease over time and they will get used to the braces.
  • Timeline Visualization:
  • Use a calendar to mark important dates, such as when braces will be fitted and subsequent adjustment appointments. This can help your child visualize the treatment’s progression and understand that it is a gradual process.

Creating a Supportive Environment

  • Comfort Measures:
  • Prepare soft foods that are easy on the braces, like yogurt, smoothies, pasta, and mashed potatoes, especially for the first few days after an adjustment. Stock up on wax for braces to cover any brackets that might irritate the mouth.
  • Oral Hygiene Kit:
  • Assemble a portable oral hygiene kit that your child can take to school. Include a soft-bristled toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, floss, and a small mirror. Encourage regular cleaning, especially after meals.
  • Regular Check-ins:
  • Keep an open line of communication with your child about their experience with braces. Regularly ask them if they are experiencing any discomfort and check their mouth for any issues. This not only helps in managing any potential problems early but also shows your child that you are supportive and attentive to their needs.

Pediatric orthodontics plays a crucial role in ensuring your child’s oral health and overall well-being. By understanding when to start treatment, recognizing the signs that braces may be necessary, and preparing your child effectively for the journey, you can help ensure a smoother and more positive orthodontic experience. Remember, a well-informed and supportive approach can make all the difference in your child’s perception of getting braces. Discuss these aspects with your pediatric orthodontist to tailor the best care and treatment plan for your child’s needs.


April 17, 2024 dental careveneers

In the quest for a perfect smile, veneers have become a popular choice among dental patients looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. Beyond mere aesthetics, veneers offer numerous advantages over traditional dental materials, making them an appealing option for health-conscious individuals and those seeking cosmetic dental solutions. This article explores what veneers are, their benefits over traditional materials, and why they are a superb choice for enhancing both dental health and smile aesthetics.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth. They are typically made from porcelain or composite resin materials and are permanently bonded to your teeth. Veneers are crafted to match the natural color of your teeth while offering enhancements in shape, size, and alignment. They are mainly used to improve dental issues such as discoloration, chips, unevenness, or significant gaps between teeth.

Benefits of Veneers Over Traditional Materials

Aesthetic Improvement

Natural Appearance: Veneers provide a more natural tooth appearance than other dental restorations. Porcelain, especially, has a translucent quality that mimics the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth, ensuring that veneers blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

Customization: Each veneer is individually sculpted for the person who wears them, which makes it nearly impossible to tell the difference between a veneer and a natural tooth. This level of customization can correct almost any cosmetic concerns, from minor misalignments to unwanted gaps.

Durability and Strength

Long-lasting Solution: Porcelain veneers are particularly durable and can last up to 15 years with proper care, compared to other dental materials that might wear down or discolor more quickly. They are resistant to stains and chips, maintaining their quality and appearance over time.

Protective Qualities: Veneers can serve a protective role that eliminates the need for more extensive treatments. They strengthen the teeth by providing an additional layer of material, which helps to prevent further damage and decay.

Health and Compatibility

Biocompatibility: Porcelain is a biocompatible material, meaning it is not harmful or toxic and does not provoke an immune response. This quality makes veneers suitable for patients with allergies or sensitivities to other dental materials.

Minimal Tooth Preparation: Unlike crowns or bridges, veneers require minimal tooth reshaping and will typically only necessitate a small amount of enamel removal. This aspect of veneers helps preserve more of the natural tooth structure, which is beneficial for your long-term dental health.

Ideal Candidates for Veneers

Veneers are a versatile and effective cosmetic solution for a wide range of dental issues. They are especially beneficial for individuals seeking significant aesthetic changes without the need for more invasive procedures. Here’s a more detailed look at who would be an ideal candidate for veneers:

Individuals with Stained or Discolored Teeth

  • Persistent Stains: Some teeth stains are resistant to professional whitening treatments, especially those caused by tetracycline antibiotics, significant fluoride exposure during tooth development, or large resin fillings that have discolored the tooth. Veneers provide a superb solution by covering these stains completely, giving a bright and even tooth appearance.
  • Natural Discoloration: Teeth that have a naturally yellowish or grayish hue that cannot be corrected through bleaching can benefit greatly from veneers, which can be crafted in the shade that best fits the natural or desired color of the patient’s teeth.

Patients with Chips and Minor Breakage

  • Chipped Teeth: Veneers are an excellent option for restoring the appearance and function of chipped or cracked teeth. They cover the damaged area and protect the underlying tooth from further damage while restoring the tooth’s natural appearance.
  • Worn Enamel: Over time, the thin, hard outer covering of the tooth can become worn and dulled. Veneers can restore the look of naturally bright, white enamel while providing additional resilience.

Those with Gaps or Misalignments

  • Spacing Issues: For those with gaps between their teeth that do not require orthodontic work for correction, veneers offer a quick and effective cosmetic solution. They can be designed to broaden the teeth slightly, effectively closing gaps and creating a more uniform smile.
  • Slight Misalignments: While veneers cannot correct severe misalignment or orthodontic issues, they can be used to correct minor misalignments where the teeth are slightly crooked or uneven. Veneers can mask these imperfections, giving the appearance of a perfectly straight smile without the need for braces.

Individuals Seeking a Durable Cosmetic Solution

  • Long-Term Solution: Patients looking for a long-lasting cosmetic treatment will find veneers appealing. With proper care, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years or more. They are a significant investment in your smile that can boost confidence and improve oral health.

Considerations for Candidacy

  • Oral Health Status: Candidates must have healthy teeth and gums. Issues like gum disease or severe tooth decay need to be addressed before considering veneers. Additionally, patients should have a sufficient amount of healthy enamel, as a thin layer needs to be removed to place veneers.
  • Lifestyle Factors: While veneers are stain-resistant, patients should avoid habits that can damage veneers, such as chewing ice, biting nails, or opening packaging with their teeth. Candidates should be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits to ensure the longevity of their veneers.

Veneers are not just for celebrities; they’re an accessible option for anyone looking to improve their smile significantly. If you struggle with dental imperfections that affect your confidence or would like to restore a youthful appearance to your smile, veneers might be the right choice. A consultation with a cosmetic dentist can provide personalized advice and help you determine if veneers are suitable for your specific dental needs and aesthetic goals.

Veneers offer a unique combination of aesthetic appeal and health benefits, making them an outstanding choice for anyone looking to enhance their smile while maintaining or improving dental health. With the ability to customize and the advantage of durability, veneers can transform dental imperfections into a flawless smile. Whether you are health-conscious or seeking aesthetic dental solutions, veneers represent a state-of-the-art choice in modern cosmetic dentistry. If you’re considering veneers, contact Logan Dental to determine if they are the right option for your dental needs and lifestyle.


Participating in sports can be exhilarating and beneficial for your health, but it also comes with its risks, particularly to your teeth and mouth. Dental injuries in sports are not uncommon, and they can range from mild discomfort to severe emergencies that require immediate attention. Fortunately, many of these injuries can be prevented with the right precautions. In this guide, we’ll explore how to protect yourself from sports-related dental injuries by choosing the correct mouthguard and knowing the essential steps to take immediately following a dental injury.

Choosing the Right Mouthguard and Face Mask

When participating in sports, especially those with high risks of impact such as softball, baseball, football, and hockey, protecting your face and teeth is essential. Here’s how to select the appropriate gear:

  1. Types of Mouthguards:
    • Stock Mouthguards: These are pre-formed and ready to wear. They are the least expensive option available but offer the least protection because they are not tailored to fit the user’s mouth.
    • Boil and Bite Mouthguards: These mouthguards are made from thermoplastic material and can be shaped around your teeth and gums by boiling them in water and then biting into them while they are still warm. They offer a better fit than stock mouthguards and are moderately priced.
    • Custom-Fitted Mouthguards: Made by a dentist or a professional lab based on a mold taken of your teeth, these provide the best protection and comfort but are also the most expensive option.
    • Choosing the Best Fit:
      1. A good mouthguard should be comfortable, resist tears, be durable, and easy to clean, and should not restrict your breathing or speech.
      2. For athletes with braces or other dental appliances, a specially fitted mouthguard that covers these appliances is crucial to prevent impact injuries and damage to orthodontic work.
  2. Face Masks:
    • Softball and Baseball: Face masks are crucial in these sports to protect against facial injuries from flying balls or bats. They are particularly recommended for pitchers, infielders, and batters.
    • Types of Face Masks:
      1. Polycarbonate Masks: These offer high impact resistance and are lightweight, making them ideal for sports where the ball travels at high speeds.
      2. Metal Masks: Common in softball and baseball, metal masks provide sturdy protection and are designed to deflect balls, ensuring they don’t cause facial injury.
    • Fit and Visibility: Choose a mask that fits snugly but comfortably, ensuring it does not obstruct vision. Adjustable straps and padding can help achieve a better fit.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Dental Injury

Despite the best prevention efforts, accidents can happen. Here’s what to do immediately if you or someone else suffers a dental injury during sports:

  1. Assess the Situation:
    • Safety First: Ensure the environment is safe for both the injured person and those assisting. Stop any ongoing activity that might pose further risk of injury.
    • Consciousness and Severity: Check if the injured person is conscious and evaluate the severity of the injury. If there are head injuries, neck pain, or unconsciousness, stabilize the person and seek emergency medical help immediately.
  2. Handle Knocked-Out Teeth:
    • Handling the Tooth: Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown (the part that is usually exposed in the mouth) to avoid touching the root.
    • Cleaning the Tooth: If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse it under cold running water for 10 seconds. Avoid using soap or chemicals. Do not scrub it or remove any tissue attached to it.
    • Reinsertion: Try to reinsert the tooth in its socket facing the correct way. Press down gently until the crown is level with adjacent teeth. Bite down softly on a clean cloth or gauze to hold it in place. If reinsertion isn’t possible, the tooth should be kept moist at all times.
    • Storage Solutions: Place the tooth in a container with milk, saline solution, or a tooth preservation product that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Water is not recommended because its root surface cells can’t tolerate it for long periods.
  3. Caring for Cracked or Broken Teeth:
    • Cleaning: Rinse the mouth with warm water to clean out debris from the injury site.
    • Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress to the cheek or lips over the broken tooth to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
    • Temporary Measures: Cover the part of the tooth still in the mouth with dental cement if available from a drugstore, to protect the area before you get to a dentist.
  4. Soft Tissue Injuries:
    • Rinse and Inspect: If there is bleeding, rinse the mouth with a mild salt-water solution.
    • Pressure: Apply pressure to the bleeding site with a piece of clean gauze or cloth. Continue pressure for about 10-15 minutes or until the bleeding stops.
    • Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress outside the mouth or cheek in the affected area to help control the bleeding and reduce swelling.
  5. Seek Professional Care:
    • Contact a Dentist Immediately: Time is crucial, especially for knocked-out teeth. Contact a dentist to arrange for an emergency appointment. Explain the situation over the phone so they can prepare for immediate treatment upon arrival.
    • Follow-up: After initial emergency care, follow up with your dentist for further assessments and necessary treatments to restore the dental health fully.


Prevention is key when it comes to sports-related dental injuries. By choosing the right mouthguard and knowing how to respond to injuries when they occur, athletes can significantly reduce their risk of severe dental trauma. Remember, a small investment in the right protective gear can save you from the pain and expense of dental injuries in the future. Always consult with dental professionals at facilities like Logan Dental Care, who can provide customized mouthguards and expert advice tailored to your specific athletic needs.


March 6, 2024 cosmetic dentistry

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the debate between braces and Invisalign® is a common one among patients seeking a straighter smile. Both methods offer effective solutions for correcting dental misalignments, but they come with distinct features, benefits, and limitations. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison of braces and Invisalign®, covering crucial aspects such as treatment duration, aesthetics, comfort, process, cost, and effectiveness for various dental conditions.

Treatment Duration

Braces: Traditional metal braces typically require a longer treatment time, ranging from 18 months to 3 years, depending on the complexity of the case. The continuous wear, 24/7, contributes to their effectiveness in handling severe misalignments and bite issues.

Invisalign®: Invisalign®, known for its clear aligners, often boasts shorter treatment times, averaging 12 to 18 months. However, this can vary widely depending on the patient’s compliance with wearing the aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours per day and the complexity of their dental issues.


Braces: The visibility of metal braces is one of their most notable drawbacks. However, advancements have led to more aesthetically pleasing options, such as ceramic braces, which blend in better with the natural color of the teeth but can still be noticeable.

Invisalign®: Invisalign®’s clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a preferred choice for adults and teens concerned about the appearance of traditional braces. The discreet nature of Invisalign® allows for orthodontic treatment without the aesthetic impact of metal brackets and wires.


Braces: Braces can cause discomfort, especially after adjustments, and the brackets may irritate the inner cheeks and lips. Dietary restrictions are also necessary to avoid damaging the braces, which can be an inconvenience.

Invisalign®: The smooth, plastic aligners of Invisalign® are generally considered more comfortable than braces, with no sharp edges or tightening required. The removability of Invisalign® aligners also means there are no food restrictions, contributing to a more comfortable treatment experience overall.



  • Initial Consultation: The orthodontic treatment with braces begins with a comprehensive evaluation, including X-rays and dental impressions, to assess the patient’s orthodontic needs.
  • Installation: During the installation appointment, brackets are bonded to the front of each tooth, and then archwires are attached to the brackets using tiny elastics known as ligatures. The process can take 1-2 hours.
  • Adjustment Appointments: Patients with braces must visit their orthodontist every 4-6 weeks for adjustments. During these visits, the orthodontist tightens the archwires and may replace the ligatures. These adjustments gradually move the teeth into the desired position.
  • Ongoing Care: Patients must adhere to specific care instructions, including dietary restrictions to avoid damaging the braces and a meticulous oral hygiene routine to prevent tooth decay and gum disease around the brackets.
  • Removal and Retention: Once the treatment goals are achieved, the braces are removed—a process that is relatively quick and painless. Most patients will need to wear a retainer to maintain the new position of their teeth.


  • Initial Consultation: Similar to braces, the Invisalign® process starts with a detailed assessment of the patient’s teeth, using digital scans to create a 3D model of the mouth.
  • Custom Treatment Plan: Using the 3D model, the orthodontist devises a personalized treatment plan, which includes a virtual representation of the teeth’s movement and the final outcome. This plan determines the number of aligners required for the treatment.
  • Receiving Aligners: The patient receives a series of custom-made, clear aligners, each designed to be worn for about two weeks before switching to the next in the series. The aligners gently shift the teeth into place according to the treatment plan.
  • Regular Check-ups: While check-ups are less frequent with Invisalign® than with braces, patients still need to visit their orthodontist every 6-8 weeks to monitor progress and receive new sets of aligners.
  • Maintenance and Aftercare: One of the significant advantages of Invisalign® is the lack of dietary restrictions, as the aligners are removed when eating. However, patients must be diligent about wearing the aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours per day and maintaining good oral hygiene. Like braces, wearing a retainer post-treatment is crucial to maintaining the results.


Braces: The cost of braces can vary widely but is generally in the range of $2,500 to $7,500 in the United States. The price can be influenced by the treatment’s complexity, the type of braces chosen, and the geographic location.

Invisalign®: Invisalign® tends to be more expensive than traditional braces, with costs ranging from $3,500 to $8,000. The higher price point reflects the custom manufacturing of the aligners and the technology used in the treatment planning process.

Effectiveness for Various Dental Conditions

Braces: Braces are highly effective for treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe crowding, spacing, and complex bite problems. Their fixed nature allows for more control over tooth movement, making them suitable for complicated cases.

Invisalign®: Invisalign® is most effective for mild to moderate dental misalignments and bite issues. While significant advancements have been made in the technology, allowing it to treat a broader range of cases than when it was first introduced, there are still limitations to what Invisalign® can achieve, especially for more complex orthodontic needs.

The choice between braces and Invisalign® should be made based on a thorough evaluation of your specific dental needs, lifestyle preferences, and budget. Braces offer a time-tested solution for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including complex cases, but their visibility and comfort level are common concerns. Invisalign®, on the other hand, provides a less noticeable and more comfortable alternative, ideal for those with mild to moderate alignment issues who prioritize aesthetics.

Consulting with an orthodontist is crucial to determine the most suitable option for your situation. They can provide a personalized assessment that considers the severity of your dental conditions, your lifestyle, and your treatment goals. Whether you choose braces or Invisalign®, the journey to a straighter smile is a commitment to improving your oral health and confidence.


Achieving a brighter, whiter smile is a common desire for many, leading to the popularity of teeth whitening treatments. With options ranging from professional services at a dental office to convenient at-home kits, it can be challenging to decide which route to take. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison of professional teeth whitening treatments and at-home whitening kits, focusing on their effectiveness, safety, cost, and the ideal scenarios for each method.


Professional Teeth Whitening:

Professional whitening treatments are known for their high efficacy. Dentists use stronger bleaching agents, often with a concentration of hydrogen peroxide ranging from 15% to 43%. The process is usually accelerated with the use of heat, light, or a combination of both, allowing significant whitening results in just one session. Patients can expect to see their teeth become several shades lighter, with results that can last for a year or more, depending on lifestyle and oral hygiene practices.

At-Home Whitening Kits:

At-home kits, while convenient, typically contain a lower concentration of bleaching agents (usually around 3% to 20% hydrogen peroxide), resulting in a more gradual whitening process. These kits may come in the form of strips, gels, or fitted trays. The results are generally less dramatic than professional treatments and may require consistent use over weeks to achieve noticeable changes. The longevity of at-home whitening results can vary widely, often necessitating regular treatments to maintain the desired whiteness.


Professional Teeth Whitening:

The safety of professional whitening treatments is a significant advantage, as they are administered or supervised by dental professionals. Dentists can take precautions to protect the gums and mouth from the strong bleaching agents and address any issues of tooth sensitivity or gum irritation immediately. They can also assess the suitability of the treatment for each individual, considering factors like tooth enamel thickness, existing dental work, and overall oral health.

At-Home Whitening Kits:

While generally safe when used as directed, at-home kits pose a higher risk of misuse or overuse, leading to tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. The one-size-fits-all approach of many kits can result in poor fitment of trays or strips, allowing the bleaching agent to come into contact with gums and soft tissues. It’s crucial for users to follow the product instructions carefully and to consider consulting with a dentist before starting any at-home whitening regimen.


Professional Teeth Whitening:

The cost of professional whitening treatments can be substantial, often ranging from $300 to $800 or more, depending on the location and specific treatment used. While more expensive upfront, the immediate and noticeable results, along with the safety and expertise provided by dental professionals, can justify the investment for many individuals.

At-Home Whitening Kits:

At-home kits are much more affordable, with prices ranging from $20 to $100 for most over-the-counter options. This cost-effectiveness makes at-home whitening a popular choice for those on a budget or those looking for a minor enhancement to their smile’s brightness.

Ideal Scenarios

Professional Teeth Whitening:

Professional treatments are ideal for individuals looking for immediate and significant results, such as for a special event (weddings, graduations, etc.) or for those with stubborn stains that over-the-counter products cannot address. It’s also the preferred option for those with sensitive teeth or existing dental work, as the treatment can be customized to minimize discomfort and avoid damaging restorations.

At-Home Whitening Kits:

At-home kits are well-suited for those with minor discoloration or as a maintenance measure following a professional whitening treatment. They are also a good option for individuals who prefer the convenience and privacy of whitening their teeth at home, over time, and for those looking for a more affordable solution to enhance their smile’s brightness.

The Process of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening, performed in a dental office, is characterized by its precision, customization, and use of advanced technology. Here’s what the process typically involves:

  • Initial Consultation:
    • The journey begins with a thorough dental examination where the dentist assesses your oral health, discusses your whitening goals, and determines your suitability for the treatment. This step may also involve cleaning to remove surface stains and plaque.
  • Preparation:
    • To protect the gums and mouth from the potent whitening agents, the dentist applies a protective barrier or gel to the gum tissue. This step is crucial for minimizing sensitivity and protecting soft tissues.
  • Application of Whitening Agent:
    • A high-concentration bleaching gel, containing hydrogen peroxide, is carefully applied to the teeth. This professional-grade whitening agent is significantly stronger than what’s available in over-the-counter kits, ensuring more dramatic results.
  • Activation:
    • In many cases, the bleaching agent is activated using a special light or laser, which helps to accelerate the whitening process. This activation step can enhance the effectiveness of the gel, allowing for noticeable results in just one session.
  • Final Touches:
    • After the treatment, which typically lasts about an hour, the dentist removes the gel and the protective barriers. Some treatments may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired level of whiteness, but many patients see substantial results after just one visit.

The Process of Using At-Home Whitening Kits

At-home whitening kits, while more convenient and accessible, offer a more gradual approach to teeth whitening. The process varies slightly depending on the type of product (strips, trays, or pens), but generally follows these steps:

  • Selection and Purchase:
    • The first step involves choosing a whitening kit that best suits your needs and budget. Options range from whitening strips to pre-filled trays and whitening pens, each with its own application method.
  • Preparation:
    • Before applying any whitening product, it’s recommended to brush and floss your teeth to ensure the removal of any surface debris and plaque. This helps the whitening agent to contact the tooth enamel more effectively.
  • Application:
    • For strips, you’ll apply them directly to the front of your teeth, following the package instructions for alignment and duration. Trays, whether pre-filled or accompanied by a gel you dispense yourself, should be placed over your teeth, ensuring even contact with all surfaces. Pens are used to paint the gel directly onto the teeth.
  • Treatment Time:
    • At-home treatments typically require the whitening agent to be left on the teeth for a specified period, usually between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the product’s strength and instructions.
  • Repetition and Maintenance:
    • Unlike professional treatments that can show significant results in one session, at-home kits often need to be used consistently over days or weeks to achieve noticeable whitening. Following the initial treatment period, many find that periodic touch-ups are necessary to maintain the desired level of brightness.


Both professional teeth whitening treatments and at-home whitening kits offer viable paths to achieving a brighter smile, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Professional treatments provide quick, dramatic results with the safety and guidance of dental professionals, making them ideal for significant whitening needs and special occasions. At-home kits offer a more affordable and gradual approach, suitable for minor enhancements and convenient home use. Ultimately, the best choice depends on individual needs, preferences, and priorities, with dental consultation recommended to ensure the chosen method aligns with one’s overall oral health and whitening goals.


In cosmetic dentistry, dental bonding stands out as a versatile and minimally invasive procedure designed to address a variety of aesthetic dental concerns. This cost-effective treatment can significantly enhance the appearance of your smile with a process that’s both straightforward and conservative. In this article, we’ll explore the dental bonding process, its myriad benefits for cosmetic improvements, the expected longevity of results, and how it stacks up against alternative dental treatments.

Understanding the Dental Bonding Process

The dental bonding process is characterized by its simplicity and patient-friendly approach, typically completed within a single visit to the dentist. Here’s a more detailed look at each step:

  • Preparation: Dental bonding requires little to no preparation. Anesthesia might be unnecessary unless the bonding is to fill a decayed tooth or the chip is near the nerve. The dentist will start by thoroughly cleaning the tooth to ensure the bonding material adheres properly.
  • Matching the Shade: A crucial step in the process is selecting the right shade of composite resin. Dentists use a shade guide to find a resin that closely matches the natural color of your teeth, ensuring the bonded area blends in seamlessly with your surrounding teeth for a natural-looking finish.
  • Surface Preparation: To prepare the tooth for bonding, the dentist will lightly etch the surface of the tooth to create a rougher texture. A conditioning liquid is then applied, which helps the bonding material adhere more effectively to the tooth.
  • Application of the Bonding Material: The dentist then applies the resin, a putty-like substance, to the tooth. This material is meticulously molded and smoothed to achieve the desired shape, correcting any imperfections or achieving the ideal tooth contour.
  • Curing: Once the resin is properly shaped, a special light, often ultraviolet, is used to harden the material quickly. This curing process solidifies the bonding material, integrating it firmly with the tooth’s structure.
  • Finishing Touches: After the bonding material has hardened, the dentist undertakes further trimming and shaping to ensure the bonded tooth looks natural and functions correctly. The final step involves polishing the tooth, matching the sheen of the rest of the teeth, and ensuring the bonded area is smooth and resistant to staining.

Benefits for Cosmetic Improvements

Dental bonding is celebrated for its ability to provide immediate and noticeable cosmetic improvements with minimal impact on the natural tooth structure. The benefits extend beyond mere aesthetics:

  • Rapid Transformation: One of the most significant advantages of dental bonding is the speed of the procedure. Most bonding treatments can be completed in one office visit, offering an instant improvement to your smile.
  • Customization: The resin used in dental bonding can be shaped and polished to match the surrounding teeth, making it an excellent option for correcting chips, gaps, or misshapen teeth. This level of customization ensures that the results are both beautiful and harmonious with your natural dentition.
  • Conservative Approach: Unlike veneers or crowns, which require the removal of a significant portion of the tooth structure, dental bonding involves minimal alteration to the existing tooth. This conservative approach preserves more of your natural tooth, which is always beneficial for long-term dental health.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Dental bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dental procedures, making it an accessible option for a wide range of patients looking to enhance their smile without a significant financial investment.
  • Improved Dental Health: While primarily cosmetic, dental bonding can also contribute to improved dental health by closing small gaps between teeth where food particles can accumulate, leading to decay, and by restoring the integrity of chipped or cracked teeth, preventing further damage.

Longevity of Results

While dental bonding offers a quick and effective way to enhance your smile, it’s worth noting that the results may not be as long-lasting as other cosmetic dental procedures. On average, dental bonding can last from 3 to 10 years before needing to be touched up or replaced, depending on the extent of the bonding and oral habits of the patient.

Comparison with Alternative Treatments

When considering dental bonding, it’s helpful to take a closer look at the alternative treatments mentioned above:

  • Veneers: These are thin shells of porcelain or composite material that cover the front surface of the teeth. Veneers generally offer a more durable and stain-resistant solution than bonding and can last up to 10-15 years with proper care. However, they require more removal of the tooth surface and are more expensive.
  • Crowns: Crowns encapsulate the entire tooth and are used in cases where the tooth is significantly damaged. They are more durable than bonding and veneers and can last 15 years or more. Like veneers, crowns are more costly and require a more extensive preparation process, including significant tooth reduction.

Dental bonding is an excellent option for individuals seeking a quick, affordable, and minimally invasive way to enhance their smile cosmetically. While it may not offer the longevity of veneers or crowns, its ease of application and immediate results make it a popular choice for many dental patients. As with any cosmetic dental procedure, a consultation with a qualified dentist is crucial to determine the most suitable option based on your specific dental needs and aesthetic goals. With the right care and maintenance, dental bonding can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence in your smile.


January 31, 2024 cosmetic dentistry

A patient in need of orthodontic care today has additional options outside of braces. Invisalign® has emerged as a game-changer, offering a discreet and innovative solution to teeth straightening that has captivated patients worldwide. This clear aligner system is designed to transform smiles without the conspicuous wires and brackets associated with traditional braces, blending seamlessly into the lifestyle of the modern patient. From the initial consultation to the final reveal of a beautifully aligned smile, Invisalign® promises a treatment experience that is as comfortable and convenient as it is effective. In this detailed exploration, we’ll delve into the Invisalign® treatment process, highlight its numerous advantages over traditional braces, offer essential maintenance tips, and share insights into typical patient experiences, providing a comprehensive overview of what prospective patients can expect from this revolutionary orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign® Treatment Process

  • Initial Consultation:
    • This first step is crucial for setting expectations and discussing any specific concerns or desires you might have regarding your smile. The dental professional will also explain the cost, duration, and what you can realistically expect from your Invisalign® treatment.
  • Custom Treatment Plan:
    • Advanced software allows the dental professional to manipulate the 3D model of your teeth, showing you a virtual preview of your teeth’s journey and the final outcome. This interactive process not only aids in planning but also increases patient engagement and excitement about the treatment.
  • Receiving Your Aligners:
    • Each set of aligners is worn in a specific order to ensure that tooth movement is gradual and controlled. The number of aligners varies from patient to patient, depending on the complexity of the case and the desired end result.
  • Regular Check-ups:
    • These appointments are brief and less invasive than those for traditional braces adjustments, focusing on ensuring that the treatment is progressing as expected. They also provide an opportunity to address any questions or concerns that may arise during treatment.
  • Completion:
    • After the active phase of treatment, you may be provided with a retainer to ensure that your teeth stay in their new positions. The type of retainer and the duration of use will be determined based on your specific needs.

Advantages Over Traditional Braces

  • Improved Oral Health: With the ability to remove the aligners, you can maintain better oral hygiene, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease associated with traditional braces.
  • Fewer Office Visits: Invisalign® often requires fewer check-ups, as there are no brackets to break or wires to adjust, making it a time-efficient option for busy individuals.
  • Customization and Precision: The digital planning process allows for a high degree of customization, ensuring that each movement of every tooth is planned with precision, leading to efficient and effective treatment outcomes.
  • Lifestyle Flexibility: The removability of Invisalign® aligners means that you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods and activities without the restrictions often imposed by traditional braces.

Maintenance Tips

  • Avoid Certain Products: It’s recommended to avoid using colored or scented soaps to clean the aligners as they may discolor or leave a residue, affecting the invisibility of the aligners.
  • Hydration: Keeping hydrated, especially with water, can help prevent dry mouth and reduce the risk of cavities, which is particularly important when wearing aligners for extended periods.
  • Aligner Hygiene: In addition to cleaning your aligners, it’s important to rinse them every time you remove them to keep them fresh and free from harmful bacteria.

Typical Patient Experiences

  • Lifestyle Adaptation: Many patients find that adapting to the Invisalign® routine, including the discipline of wearing the aligners for the recommended duration and the habit of removing them before meals, becomes second nature after the initial adjustment period.
  • Social Confidence: The discreet nature of Invisalign® aligners often leads to increased social confidence, as patients feel less self-conscious about their orthodontic treatment.
  • Satisfaction and Compliance: The clear visualization of treatment progress and outcomes tends to increase patient satisfaction and compliance, as they are more invested in the treatment process and motivated by visible results.

Invisalign®’s innovative approach to orthodontic treatment combines aesthetics, comfort, and convenience, making it an appealing choice for many seeking to improve their smile. With proper care and adherence to the treatment plan, Invisalign® can effectively address a wide range of orthodontic issues, leading to satisfying and long-lasting results.


January 16, 2024 cosmetic dentistry

The landscape of orthodontic treatment has been transformed with the introduction of SureSmile® Aligners, a modern solution that marries the latest in dental technology with the aesthetic demands of today’s patients. This innovative approach to straightening teeth not only offers a discreet alternative to traditional braces but also enhances the precision and efficiency of orthodontic care. Let’s explore the sophisticated technology behind SureSmile® aligners, their advantages over conventional braces, the detailed treatment process, and the criteria for patient suitability.

The Technology Behind SureSmile® Aligners

The SureSmile® aligner system is at the forefront of orthodontic innovation, harnessing a blend of 3D scanning, computer-aided design (CAD), and manufacturing (CAM) technologies. This integration allows for an unprecedented level of customization in orthodontic treatments. The process begins with a detailed 3D scan of the patient’s mouth, which captures every nuance of their dental structure, eliminating the discomfort and imprecision of traditional dental impressions.

This digital model becomes the foundation for the treatment planning process. Orthodontists can use this model to simulate various treatment outcomes directly on a computer, allowing for a level of planning accuracy that was previously unattainable. The software enables the orthodontist to make precise adjustments to each tooth’s position, angle, and rotation, crafting a step-by-step treatment plan that is entirely unique to the patient.

Once the treatment plan is established, it is sent to a fabrication facility where each aligner is custom-made using high-grade, biocompatible plastic. This process involves cutting-edge 3D printing or stereolithography technologies, ensuring each aligner is perfectly contoured to the individual’s dental and gingival structures. The result is a series of aligners that fit seamlessly over the patient’s teeth, exerting gentle, targeted pressure to shift teeth into the desired alignment.

Benefits Over Traditional Braces

SureSmile® aligners offer a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics, making them an attractive option for those seeking orthodontic treatment. Their clear design ensures that they remain virtually invisible during wear, allowing patients to smile confidently throughout their treatment. The smooth, plastic material of the aligners contrasts sharply with the brackets and wires of traditional braces, providing a more comfortable daily experience.

The removability of SureSmile® aligners is a game-changer for oral hygiene, as patients can brush and floss without the hindrance of fixed orthodontic appliances. This feature significantly reduces the risk of dental issues, such as cavities and gum disease, that can arise from inadequate cleaning around traditional braces. Moreover, the digital planning process can lead to more efficient tooth movement, potentially shortening the overall treatment time.

The Treatment Process

The SureSmile® treatment process is characterized by its precision and personalization. After the initial 3D scans are taken and the treatment plan is devised, patients receive their first set of aligners. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks before moving on to the next in the series, gradually moving the teeth towards their final positions. The exact number of aligners needed varies depending on the complexity of the case and the specific goals of the treatment.

Patients are expected to wear their aligners for the majority of the day, typically 20-22 hours, only removing them to eat, drink anything other than water, and for oral hygiene routines. This consistent wear is crucial for keeping the treatment on track and achieving the desired outcomes within the projected timeline.

Throughout the treatment, patients will have periodic check-ins with their orthodontist, either virtually or in person. These appointments allow the orthodontist to monitor progress, make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and provide the next sets of aligners. Advances in remote monitoring technology may also be utilized, allowing patients to send progress images or scans to their orthodontist, minimizing the need for frequent office visits.

The integration of advanced technology in the SureSmile® system not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of orthodontic treatment but also significantly improves the patient experience. By offering a clear, comfortable, and convenient alternative to traditional braces, SureSmile® aligners are changing the way people achieve their perfect smiles.

Patient Suitability

SureSmile® aligners are a versatile solution, accommodating a broad spectrum of orthodontic needs from simple to more complex cases. They are particularly well-suited for adults and teens who are self-conscious about wearing traditional braces and are looking for a less conspicuous option. It’s important to note, however, that the effectiveness of SureSmile® aligners hinges on the patient’s commitment to wearing them as directed and maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

While SureSmile® aligners are capable of addressing a wide array of dental alignment issues, they may not be the optimal choice for every situation. Severe cases requiring extensive tooth movement or orthodontic interventions might necessitate more traditional approaches. A thorough evaluation by an experienced orthodontist is essential to determine the most effective treatment modality for each individual patient.

SureSmile® aligners stand at the forefront of orthodontic innovation, offering a blend of aesthetic appeal, comfort, and treatment efficiency. By leveraging advanced digital planning and manufacturing technologies, SureSmile® delivers a customized, patient-centric approach to orthodontic care. For those considering orthodontic treatment, SureSmile® aligners present a compelling option, promising not just a transformed smile but an enhanced orthodontic experience. As with any medical treatment, a detailed consultation with a qualified orthodontist is crucial to ascertain the best course of action tailored to your unique dental landscape and aesthetic goals.


Braces are a fundamental element in orthodontic treatments, tailored to correct a wide array of dental misalignments and bite issues. The evolution of dental technologies has broadened the spectrum of braces, offering patients a variety of choices, each with distinct features. This guide delves into the diverse types of braces, such as traditional metal, ceramic, lingual, and more, elucidating their benefits, suitable candidates, and maintenance advice.

Traditional Metal Braces


  • Effectiveness: Metal braces excel in rectifying complex dental misalignments, ensuring a dependable solution for extensive orthodontic corrections.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: They stand out as the most economical option, making orthodontic treatment more accessible.
  • Durability: Crafted from premium stainless steel, these braces are robust, capable of enduring various types of daily activities.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Individuals with intricate dental conditions necessitating a potent treatment approach.
  • Younger patients might find the option of customizing their braces with colorful bands appealing, adding a fun element to the treatment.

Care Tips:

  • Rigorous oral hygiene is paramount; brushing around wires and brackets and utilizing floss threaders can prevent plaque buildup.
  • Steering clear of sticky and hard foods is crucial to avoid damaging the braces.
  • Consistent orthodontic appointments are essential for adjustments and to monitor the treatment’s progress.

Additional Insights:

  • The visibility of metal braces can be a concern for some, but modern advancements have made them sleeker and less obtrusive.
  • They offer a high level of customization in terms of orthodontic adjustments, making them highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic needs.
  • Engaging in regular discussions with your orthodontist can help in managing any discomfort and ensuring the braces are as effective as possible.

Ceramic Braces


  • Aesthetics: Their color-matching feature with the teeth renders them less conspicuous, offering a subtler orthodontic solution.
  • Effectiveness: Ceramic braces match the corrective power of metal braces, making no compromises on efficiency.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Adults and teenagers who prioritize aesthetics often opt for ceramic braces for their less noticeable appearance.
  • Those seeking the strength of traditional braces with a more aesthetic appeal find ceramic braces an ideal choice.

Care Tips:

  • To prevent staining of the ceramic brackets, it’s advisable to avoid pigment-heavy foods and beverages.
  • Diligent oral hygiene practices are crucial to maintain the braces’ discreet appearance and overall oral health.

Additional Insights:

  • Ceramic braces have evolved to be more resilient and less prone to staining, enhancing their appeal.
  • They require a slightly more meticulous maintenance routine to preserve their aesthetic advantage.
  • Discussing with your orthodontist about the right type of ceramic braces can ensure they meet your aesthetic and orthodontic requirements.

Lingual Braces


  • Invisibility: Positioned behind the teeth, lingual braces offer an invisible orthodontic solution, perfect for those conscious about the appearance of braces.
  • Customization: Tailored to the unique contour of each tooth, they provide a personalized treatment approach.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Ideal for individuals seeking an inconspicuous orthodontic treatment option, such as professionals or adults.
  • Those willing to invest in a higher cost for the benefit of a hidden treatment find lingual braces appealing.

Care Tips:

  • Specialized oral hygiene tools are recommended to clean the hard-to-reach areas of lingual braces effectively.
  • Regular appointments with the orthodontist are vital to adjust the braces and manage any potential discomfort.

Additional Insights:

  • Lingual braces may require an adjustment period for speech and comfort due to their unique placement.
  • They represent the pinnacle of orthodontic discretion, making them a popular choice for those in the public eye or with aesthetic concerns.
  • Collaboration with an orthodontist experienced in lingual braces is crucial for optimal results and patient comfort.

Other Types of Braces

Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign):

  • These aligners offer an almost invisible orthodontic treatment, using a series of custom-fitted, clear trays to gradually straighten teeth.
  • Best suited for adults and teenagers with mild to moderate alignment issues, they provide a flexible and discreet treatment option.
  • The aligners should be worn for the recommended 20-22 hours per day for maximum effectiveness.

Self-Ligating Braces:

  • These braces utilize a special clip mechanism, reducing the need for elastics and potentially shortening treatment time.
  • They are an excellent option for patients seeking a more comfortable treatment experience with fewer orthodontic visits.

Care Tips for All Types of Braces:

  • Ensuring regular dental check-ups and cleanings is crucial for maintaining oral health throughout orthodontic treatment.
  • An antimicrobial mouthwash can be beneficial in reducing plaque around braces.
  • For those engaged in sports, wearing a protective mouthguard can prevent damage to the braces and injury to the mouth.

Selecting the appropriate type of braces involves a thorough consultation with a qualified orthodontist, taking into account the patient’s specific dental needs, lifestyle preferences, and treatment goals. Regardless of the chosen type, commitment to oral hygiene and regular orthodontic visits is imperative to achieve the desired outcomes. With proper care and maintenance, braces can significantly enhance dental health and lead to a more confident and radiant smile. Contact Logan Dental Care to discuss all your oral health needs, including orthodontics!


November 14, 2023 dental care

In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the shift towards personalized treatment has become a cornerstone in providing exceptional patient care. In the realm of dental health, this approach is particularly profound. Logan Dental Care is at the forefront of this evolution, pioneering a paradigm where every smile is treated with a tailor-made approach designed for perfection. The customization of dental care is not a luxury but a necessity, ensuring every individual’s unique oral health needs are addressed with precision, efficacy, and personal touch.


Addressing Individual Needs with Precision

Every mouth tells a unique story. The intricacies of each individual’s oral health landscape demand a personalized approach. Logan Dental Care understands this diversity, offering customized solutions that cater to specific needs, ensuring optimal health, function, and aesthetics of the oral cavity.

For instance, tooth replacement is not a one-size-fits-all service. The dental implant procedures at Logan are customized, considering the patient’s oral health status, bone density, and aesthetic preferences, ensuring natural-looking, functional, and durable results.


Financial Flexibility Tailored for You

Financial considerations are integral in accessing quality dental care. Logan Dental Care’s affordable dental care credit options are designed with flexibility to cater to diverse financial needs. Every patient is provided with tailor-made financial solutions, ensuring that quality dental care is accessible, affordable, and devoid of financial stress.


A Radiant Smile Crafted for You

Cosmetic dentistry exemplifies the essence of personalized care. Procedures like tooth whitening are customized to align with the individual’s teeth condition, sensitivity levels, and desired outcomes. This meticulous attention to detail ensures not only radiant smiles but also a comfortable and safe whitening experience.


Family Dental Care with a Personal Touch

Family dentistry at Logan transcends generic care. Comprehensive family dental care is rooted in understanding the unique needs of each family member, from children to adults. Pediatric dentistry, for instance, is not just about treating young teeth but is centered around a customized approach that caters to children’s comfort, specific oral health needs, and developmental milestones.


Empowering Patients with Information

Information is pivotal in personalized care. Logan’s FAQ section is a reservoir of insights, answers, and resources, tailored to address common queries and concerns. Every question answered, every concern addressed, is geared towards empowering patients with information tailored to enhance their understanding and experience.


Experienced Team, Personalized Care

Our team of skilled professionals is the heartbeat of our personalized approach. Each dentist, hygienist, and staff member is dedicated to offering care that is not generic but is tailor-made to resonate with the individual needs, concerns, and preferences of each patient.

We invite you to step into a world where your dental care is not just a service but an experience, meticulously crafted to reflect your unique needs, aspirations, and preferences. Contact us to embark on a journey where personalized care, professional expertise, and technological innovation converge to offer an unparalleled dental care experience.

The shift towards personalized dental care is more than a trend; it’s a commitment to ensuring that every patient’s unique oral health landscape is navigated with precision, care, and utmost professionalism. It’s about transforming every appointment from a routine visit to an experience of comfort, empowerment, and excellence.



Logan Dental Care stands as a testament to the power of personalized care. Nestled in the heart of Bellefontaine, we are not just providers of dental services but partners in your journey to optimal oral health, offering services that are as unique, diverse, and dynamic as the individuals and families we are privileged to serve.

Every smile that walks into Logan Dental Care is a unique narrative. Our commitment is to honor, celebrate, and nurture each with personalized care that transforms not just oral health but enhances the overall quality of life. Your journey to a radiant, healthy, and confident smile, underpinned by personalized care, begins with us.



November 8, 2023 dental care

In the picturesque surroundings of Bellefontaine, Ohio, a sanctuary of dental excellence and personalized care emerges in the form of Logan Dental Care. Renowned for blending quality, convenience, and a patient-centric approach, we have become the trusted partner for many in the journey to optimal oral health. This article unfolds the tapestry of our offerings and underscores why residents of Bellefontaine and the surrounding areas, including those searching for an “Urbana Ohio dentist,” entrust us with their smiles.


Comprehensive Range of Services

Logan Dental Care stands distinguished by its comprehensive array of services, meticulously designed to cater to a diverse spectrum of dental needs. We recognize that every individual is unique, with specific oral health requirements and aspirations. Our services range from preventive to restorative and cosmetic, ensuring that every patient’s distinct needs are met with precision, expertise, and personalized care.


Focus on Preventive Care

A hallmark of our practice is the emphasis on preventive care. Our dental hygiene services are anchored in cutting-edge technology and skilled expertise, ensuring that patients are equipped not only with clean, healthy smiles but with the knowledge and resources to maintain optimal oral health. Our hygienists are adept at offering tailored solutions, advice, and care routines, transforming every appointment into an educational and empowering experience.


Emergency Dental Services

We understand that dental emergencies can be both unsettling and painful. Our emergency dental care is designed to offer prompt, efficient, and compassionate services to alleviate pain and address underlying issues. With a team of responsive professionals and a facility equipped with advanced technology, every emergency is handled with utmost urgency and care.


Meet Our Experienced Team

The soul of Logan Dental Care is embodied in our team. Composed of experienced, skilled, and passionate professionals, every dentist, hygienist, and staff member is dedicated to transforming the patient experience. Continual training and development ensure that our team is not only current with the latest dental trends but is also adept at offering services that are personalized, comfortable, and of the highest quality.


Frequently Asked Questions Addressed

Navigating the world of dental care can often be accompanied by queries and uncertainties. Our comprehensive FAQ section is designed to offer clarity, insights, and answers to common questions, ensuring that every patient is informed, confident, and prepared for their dental journey.


Preparing for Your Visit

We believe that an informed patient is an empowered one. Our resource on how to prepare for a visit offers valuable insights to ensure that every appointment is approached with confidence and clarity. From understanding the procedures to post-care instructions, every aspect is covered, transforming every visit into a seamless, comfortable experience.


Family Dentistry

At Logan Dental Care, family is at the core of our practice. Our family dentistry services are tailored to cater to every family member, from children to adults. With a focus on preventive care, education, and personalized solutions, every family member is equipped to embark on a lifelong journey of optimal oral health.


Logan Dental Care is more than a dental facility – it’s a community where quality, convenience, and personalized care converge to offer an unparalleled dental experience. Nestled in the heart of Bellefontaine and easily accessible to neighboring Urbana, we are dedicated to transforming the narrative of dental care from a routine appointment to an empowering, educational, and comforting experience.

Residents trust us for our unwavering commitment to excellence, the breadth of our services, and the warmth and professionalism of our team. If you’re looking for a partner to journey with you to optimal oral health, offering services that are as qualitative as they are convenient, look no further than Logan Dental Care. Your journey to a radiant, confident smile, underpinned by optimal oral health, begins with us.



October 26, 2023 Uncategorized

Access to quality dental care should be a right, not a privilege. Financial constraints, however, often turn this essential aspect of our well-being into a luxury. Care credit emerges as a beacon of hope, illuminating pathways to accessible, affordable dental treatments without financial strain. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify care credit, offering readers valuable insights into its application process, multifaceted benefits, and its instrumental role in bridging the gap between essential dental needs and financial limitations.


What is Care Credit?

Care credit is a specialized healthcare credit card designed for health, wellness, and personal care needs. It’s a financial resource that allows individuals to access medical and dental treatments promptly and pay for them over time with convenient monthly payments. This financial tool is accepted at over 200,000 locations nationwide and covers a variety of services, including dental procedures.

The Application Process

Obtaining care credit is anchored on a streamlined, user-friendly application process. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough.

1. Eligibility Check:

Before diving into the application, ascertain your eligibility. Generally, applicants need to be at least 21 years old (18 with a co-applicant), have a valid SSN, U.S. address, and government-issued photo ID.

2. Application Form:

Head to the official Care Credit website via this link and fill out the application form. It requires basic information, including your name, address, date of birth, and financial details.

3. Instant Approval:

Post submission, most applicants receive an instant decision. Upon approval, you can utilize your care credit even before your physical card arrives.

4. Usage:

Care Credit can be used for various treatments and procedures, including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental care.


Care Credit: The Benefits

Care Credit is imbued with a myriad of benefits, transforming it into a pivotal financial asset.

Flexible Financing Options:

With care credit, patients access a range of promotional financing options, including zero interest if paid in full within the promotional period, ensuring financial flexibility.

Wide Acceptance:

Being accepted by a plethora of providers nationwide, care credit offers recipients the latitude to choose their preferred professionals and facilities.

Dedicated Health and Wellness Credit Line:

It separates your health and wellness expenses from your regular credit cards, facilitating better financial planning and management.

Ease of Use:

The streamlined application and instant approval process render care credit a convenient option for immediate and unplanned health and dental care needs.


Care Credit – A Financial Lifesaver

Healthcare expenses, especially unexpected ones, can be a significant strain. Care credit emerges as a financial lifesaver, especially for individuals without dental insurance or those seeking treatments not covered by their insurance. It affords patients the breathing room to receive necessary dental care without the immediate financial burden.


Navigating Care Credit with Logan Dental Care

At Logan Dental Care, we acknowledge the pivotal role of financial flexibility in accessing quality dental care. We proudly accept care credit, aligning with our unwavering commitment to making premier dental treatments accessible. Learn more about our partnership with care credit here.

Personalized Consultations:

Our dedicated team is at your disposal, ready to guide you through the intricate landscapes of care credit, ensuring that you harness its full potential for your dental needs.

Tailored Treatment Plans:

With care credit, explore our tailored treatment plans designed with precision and personalized attention, ensuring that each patient’s unique needs and aspirations are meticulously addressed.

Post-Treatment Support:

Our journey with you transcends the treatment phase. We offer post-treatment support, ensuring that the path to optimal oral health is navigated with grace, excellence, and financial ease.


Navigating the landscape of dental care with financial ease and flexibility is no longer a distant dream but an attainable reality with care credit. It stands as a testament to the fusion of quality healthcare and financial innovation, ensuring that essential dental treatments are not just a need but an accessible, affordable reality.

At Logan Dental Care, we are poised to be your partners in this transformative journey. Armed with expertise, personalized care, and a wealth of resources, we are ready to transform every aspiration of optimal oral health into tangible experiences, marked by excellence, precision, and financial ease.

For more insights or to embark on a journey where quality dental care meets financial flexibility, request an appointment with Logan Dental Care. In the world of smiles crafted with meticulous care and financial ease, we are your unwavering partners, turning every aspiration into an enduring, radiant reality.



October 16, 2023 dental care

Nestled in the serene environment of Bellefontaine, Ohio, Logan Dental Care transcends the conventional to offer an oasis where dental excellence, innovative technology, and personalized care converge. In a town renowned for its tranquility and community spirit, our dental practice echoes these virtues, fostering an environment where each patient is valued, cared for, and celebrated. This comprehensive exploration invites you on a journey to discover what distinguishes Logan Dental Care as the epitome of dental excellence in Bellefontaine and beyond.


Immerse in Advanced Dental Technology

Logan Dental Care is a sanctuary where the fusion of technology and skill sets the stage for unparalleled dental experiences. Our wide array of services are underpinned by cutting-edge technology, ensuring precision, comfort, and optimal results in every procedure. We are dedicated to incorporating innovations that redefine comfort and efficiency, reflecting our commitment to pioneering a future-forward approach in dental care.


Meet Our Skilled Dental Professionals

At the core of Logan Dental Care is a team of exceptional professionals, each bringing a blend of experience, expertise, and passion to the practice. Our practitioners are not just residents of Bellefontaine but are integral members of the community, fostering a relationship of trust, respect, and personalized care with each patient.

Continual training and development ensure our team stays abreast of the latest in dental advancements, upholding our reputation as a center of excellence where every patient interaction transcends the ordinary to become an extraordinary journey of care, comfort, and precision.

Experience Personalized Care 

We believe that every smile tells a unique story. At Logan Dental Care, personalized care is not just a philosophy but a practice. From the initial consultation to post-procedure follow-ups, every step is tailored to align with the individual needs, preferences, and comfort of our patients.

This personalized approach extends beyond individual care to family dentistry. Our comprehensive family dentistry is crafted with the diversity of family needs at the core, ensuring that every member, from the youngest to the oldest, receives optimal care attuned to their specific needs.


Discover Bellefontaine’s Logan Dental Care

Bellefontaine is not just a location but the soul of Logan Dental Care. It’s where community spirit, innovative technology, and skilled professionals converge to offer a sanctuary of dental excellence. Here, the serene ambience of Bellefontaine is echoed within the walls of Logan Dental Care, where each patient is received with warmth, cared for with precision, and celebrated for the uniqueness of their smile.


Engage with Us

Your journey to unparalleled dental care is a step away. To explore the diverse range of our services, seek insights, or commence a journey where your dental aspirations are transformed into radiant, confident smiles, contact us. In the heart of Bellefontaine, Logan Dental Care stands as a beacon of dental excellence, where every smile is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality, precision, and personalized care.


Logan Dental Care transforms the essence of Bellefontaine into a tangible experience of dental excellence. It’s where the tranquility and community spirit of Bellefontaine are woven into the fabric of our practice, offering a haven where advanced technology, skilled professionals, and personalized care converge to redefine dental excellence.

Embark on a journey where the serenity of Bellefontaine and the expertise of Logan Dental Care unite to transform your smile into a radiant expression of confidence, health, and beauty. Welcome to Logan Dental Care, the home of dental excellence nestled in the heart of beautiful Bellefontaine, Ohio. 



October 12, 2023 cosmetic dentistryveneers

In the pursuit of a radiant, confident smile, veneers emerge as a compelling option, known for their aesthetic allure and functional benefits. As intricate as they are innovative, veneers offer a personalized touch, meticulously tailored to align with the unique contours of every individual’s smile. In this comprehensive article, we venture deep into the nuanced world of veneers, unraveling their types, delving into the installation process, and showcasing the transformative power they can bestow upon your smile.


Understanding the Essence of Veneers

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from porcelain or composite resin materials, designed to cover the front surface of teeth. As a cosmetic dental solution, veneers are renowned for their ability to correct a myriad of imperfections, including discoloration, gaps, misalignments, and wear, bringing about an enhanced, natural-looking smile.


Exploring Veneer Types

Porcelain Veneers:

Porcelain veneers are celebrated for their durability and the natural appearance they afford. Crafted from high-quality ceramic, these veneers boast resistance to stains and mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth.

Composite Resin Veneers:

Offering a cost-effective alternative, composite resin veneers can be applied in a single appointment. While they may not share the longevity of their porcelain counterparts, they are easily repairable and offer significant aesthetic improvements.


As a subset of porcelain veneers, Lumineers distinguish themselves through their ultra-thin design, offering a less invasive application process that often requires little to no removal of the original tooth structure.


The Journey of Acquiring Veneers

The venture into the transformative journey of acquiring veneers begins with an in-depth consultation at Logan Dental Care. Here, personalized assessments and collaborative discussions pave the way for customized solutions meticulously aligned with each individual’s needs and desires.

Consultation and Examination:

A thorough examination facilitates an understanding of the oral health landscape, while in-depth discussions allow patients to articulate their aesthetic aspirations. X-rays and impressions may be taken to garner insights into the intricacies of the dental structure.


To pave the way for veneers, a small amount of enamel is often removed from the tooth’s surface. Impressions are then taken to craft veneers that seamlessly fit and blend with the natural aesthetics.


The unveiling moment arrives as the veneers, crafted with precision, are meticulously bonded to the teeth. Adjustments are made to ensure optimal fit and comfort, culminating in a transformed smile radiating with natural allure.


The Transformative Impact of Veneers

Veneers, as an embodiment of dental artistry, offer a gateway to smile transformations. They bestow upon recipients a renewed sense of confidence and self-assurance. Each veneer is a testament to personalized dental craftsmanship, where aesthetic aspirations and functional necessities converge to bring forth smiles that are as radiant as they are resilient.


Making the Choice at Logan Dental Care

At Logan Dental Care, the journey of veneer acquisition is marked by personalized attention, expert care, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Every patient is ushered into a world where their aspirations take center stage, and their smiles are meticulously crafted to mirror the pinnacles of aesthetic and functional perfection.


Expert Consultation:

Armed with a wealth of knowledge and insights, our dental experts stand ready to offer personalized consultations, illuminating the path to making informed decisions about veneers.

Personalized Solutions:

Every smile tells a story. At Logan Dental Care, every set of veneers is a chapter of transformation, meticulously crafted to elevate the narrative of individual beauty and functional grace.

Post-Care Excellence:

Our journey with our patients extends beyond the installation, into the realms of post-care excellence, ensuring that every smile continues to radiate with enduring brilliance.


Embarking upon the journey of acquiring veneers signifies a venture into a world of enhanced aesthetic splendor and functional resilience. At Logan Dental Care, we stand as custodians of this transformative journey, where every patient is accorded the personalized care, the expertise, and the innovative solutions that turn aspirations of radiant smiles into tangible, enduring reality.

For further insights or to commence your personalized journey into the world of veneers, we invite you to contact us at Logan Dental Care, where smiles are not just transformed – they are meticulously crafted to embody the pinnacle of individual perfection.



October 5, 2023 dental care

Emergencies come unannounced, and dental emergencies are no exception. Knowing how to handle these distressing situations can make a significant difference in minimizing pain and preventing further damage. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various types of dental emergencies, immediate steps to take, and how Logan Dental Care is equipped to provide urgent oral care promptly and professionally.


Types of Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can range from a broken tooth, severe toothache, bleeding gums, to more complex issues requiring immediate professional attention. Understanding the nature and severity of these incidents is vital in taking appropriate measures before reaching the dentist.


An intense toothache can be debilitating. Rinse your mouth with warm water and gently use dental floss to remove any food particles. Avoid placing aspirin or any painkiller against the gums, as it can burn gum tissue.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

Save any pieces of the broken tooth. Rinse your mouth and the broken pieces with warm water. If there’s bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to the area until the bleeding stops.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Time is of the essence if a tooth is knocked out. Hold the tooth by the crown (avoid touching the root), rinse it if it’s dirty, and try to place it back in the socket without forcing it. If not possible, keep the tooth moist in milk or a tooth preservation product and rush to the dentist.

Lost Fillings or Crowns

As a temporary measure, stick a sugarless gum into the cavity or secure the crown with over-the-counter dental cement. Avoid using super glue. Reach out to your dentist immediately.


Immediate Steps to Minimize Dental Pain and Damage

Taking swift and appropriate actions can mitigate the extent of damage and pain during a dental emergency.

Stay Calm

Panic can exacerbate the situation. Take deep breaths, and try to remain as calm as possible.

Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling and numb pain. It’s a temporary measure to manage pain until you see a dentist.

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

OTC pain relievers can be helpful in managing pain. However, it’s critical to follow the dosage instructions and avoid applying them directly to the gums or teeth.


Logan Dental Care – Your Partner in Emergency Dental Care

Logan Dental Care is committed to providing comprehensive emergency dental care with a responsive and compassionate approach. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and a team of experienced professionals ready to address any dental emergency ensuring optimal outcomes.

Walk-Ins and Same-Day Appointments

We understand the urgency of dental emergencies. Our clinic accommodates walk-ins and offers same-day appointments to alleviate your pain and address the underlying issue effectively.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Every patient and dental emergency is unique. We customize our treatment plans to cater to individual needs, ensuring efficient and thorough care.


Being equipped with the knowledge to handle dental emergencies effectively can be a lifesaver. It minimizes pain, prevents further damage, and ensures the best possible outcome for your oral health. Logan Dental Care stands as your reliable partner, ready to provide urgent, high-quality, and compassionate care when you need it most. Your oral health and comfort are our top priorities.

Remember, immediate action and professional help are critical during a dental emergency. Save our contact information, and rest assured, knowing that expert care is just a call away whenever emergency strikes.

For emergency dental care and a range of comprehensive dental services, contact us today! Your wellness is our mission. We’re ready to restore your smile and ensure your utmost comfort throughout the process.



February 20, 2023 Uncategorized

Did you know that there are more than 200,000 dentists throughout the United States?

If you’re moving to a new city or you’re unhappy with your current dentist, then you might be wondering what you can do to find a new amazing dentist. Choosing a cosmetic dentist can be challenging since there are so many options out there to review.

Do you need help picking a cosmetic dentist who you can trust? Keep reading our guide so you can learn about seven of the most helpful questions you can ask each potential dentist you want to visit.

1. What Dental Wellness Services Do You Provide?

We all have our own unique goals when it comes to achieving our dream smiles. Many people are interested in several different cosmetic dental services to improve the appearance of their teeth. If this is the case for you, then it’s worth asking each dentist about all of the services they offer so you can ensure that they’ll meet all of your needs.

The last thing you’d want to do is choose a dentist and then realize that they can’t provide a service you want in the future. That means that you’ll have to go back to square one and start your search for a new cosmetic dentist again. If you have a family, then you may even want to look for someone who offers pediatric dentistry so you can bring your entire family to one clinic.

2. How Much Will My Dental Care Cost?

Were you aware that almost half of all Americans skip going to the dentist because the costs are too high? If you fall into this category, then you owe it to yourself to keep searching until you find an affordable dentist. Neglecting your oral health will have a terrible impact on the rest of your health as well.

If you have dental insurance, then you need to ask your prospective dentist if they accept your provider. If you don’t have any dental coverage, then you should look for dentists who have independent dental plans that keep costs at a minimum. Lots of dental clinics even offer financing options that make expensive procedures more accessible since you won’t need to pay everything upfront.

3. What Is Your Background in Cosmetic Dentistry?

One of the main reasons why people are afraid of going to the dentist is that they’re not sure what’s going to happen. You can alleviate any anxiety you may feel by taking the time to learn more about each dentist’s background. By visiting their business website, you should be able to find interesting details like how long they’ve been working and what credentials they have.

When a dentist has been thriving in the industry for many years, you can bet that they have hundreds of happy patients who can vouch for them. It’ll be much easier to relax in the dentist’s chair when you know that you’re in good hands.

4. What Is Your Dental Clinic’s Availability for Appointments?

In a perfect world, you’d be able to visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and make other appointments as needed when you want more work done. A common problem that people face is low availability when they’re switching to a new cosmetic dentist. When things are tight, you might not even be able to book an appointment until a year later.

It’s also worth inquiring about how many patients each dentist meets with each day. If their staff overbooks them on a regular basis, then your appointments will feel rushed. You deserve to feel like a priority, so don’t continue to book appointments with dentists who make you wait forever in the waiting room and rush through your visit.

5. Do You Have Any References or Reviews I Can See?

It’s easy for dentists to paint themselves in a flattering light, but you can form an unbiased opinion when you hear what their patients have to say about their experiences. This is why you should never schedule an appointment with a new cosmetic dentist before you read some reviews.

When dentists treat their patients well, the reviews will all be glowing. Dentists who aren’t transparent about references and reviews might not like the reputation that their business has earned in the community.

6. Can I See Some Before and After Photos of Your Work?

Sometimes dentists can take multiple approaches to a certain procedure. It’s always nice to see what you can expect from their handiwork. Skilled dentists will have tons of before and after photos that you can look at to gauge their talent.

If you like what you see, then you can be at peace knowing that your smile will look just as radiant once you’ve finished your treatment. Many cosmetic dentists have social media accounts where they post recent photos of their work as well.

7. What Do You Suggest for My Oral Care Treatment Plan?

Nobody can expect the average person to know which dental treatments would suit their needs the best. Excellent cosmetic dentists should be able to examine your mouth, listen to your smile goals, and come up with a personalized treatment plan to make you as satisfied as possible.

You can always schedule a consultation to hear what they have to say about their recommended plans. If you aren’t sold on their ideas, then you can visit someone else and compare the results. Your dentist should be able to offer suggestions that are within your comfort zone and budget.

These Are the Top Questions to Ask Your Potential Cosmetic Dentist

Finding a new cosmetic dentist can seem intimidating when there are so many professionals out there. Now that you’ve read this advice, you shouldn’t have any issues finding your ideal dentist.

Are you searching for a Bellefontaine dental clinic? We’d love to take care of you. Contact us to learn more about our services.


June 1, 2022 Uncategorized

Did you know that more than one-third of people in the United States alone are unhappy with their teeth? Some are so ashamed of their teeth that they may even try to keep themselves from smiling or laughing. Of course, no one should have to feel embarrassed about their smile.

One of the most common reasons why people don’t like their teeth has to do with the color of their teeth. Fortunately, DIY teeth whitening can solve this problem, at least partially. If your teeth are discolored in some way, you don’t necessarily have to try professional teeth whitening right away. 

However, if you want some significant results, it might be better to go to a professional. But what do at-home teeth whitening tricks involve anyway? Keep reading and learn more about dental teeth whitening at home and whether or not it’s better than going to a professional.

Understanding DIY Teeth Whitening

When it comes to learning how to whiten your teeth at home, there are many tricks you can try, but not all of them are safe for your teeth. For example, one of the most common ways to whiten your teeth is to brush them with baking soda. How might this work exactly, you might ask?

Your tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in the human body, but it can still absorb certain pigments. For example, your teeth will eventually get stained if you drink a lot of coffee, black tea, red wine, or anything else containing strong pigments. This is especially true if you don’t often brush your teeth after drinking these substances.

If you were to brush your teeth, you would have the opportunity to remove these pigments from your teeth before they have a chance to stick. Once the stains stick, it can be hard to remove them. Baking soda works by taking off a small amount of your tooth enamel. 

What You Need to Know

Baking soda may seem like soft, white powder, but it is actually very abrasive. When you brush your teeth with baking soda, these little grains will scrape along the surface of your teeth and remove some of the top layers. This won’t hurt, and you will have the chance to remove the stained layer of your teeth. 

As a result, your teeth should look quite a bit whiter. However, as you can imagine, this isn’t the safest way to whiten your teeth. If you brush your teeth too often with baking soda, you could take off too much tooth enamel. 

As a result, you could develop tooth sensitivity because your tooth enamel is no longer thick enough to protect the nerves inside your teeth. Tooth sensitivity involves feeling pain or discomfort when consuming hot or cold substances. Other DIY methods to remove yellow stains on teeth are similar and not all that safe for your teeth. 

For that reason, professional teeth whitening services exist. 

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is better than DIY teeth whitening in every way. Some might argue that you can save some money by whitening your teeth at home, and while this is true, you will still risk your tooth health. For that reason, DIY teeth whitening isn’t that much cheaper in the long run because you might need to go to the dentist anyway to fix other dental problems. 

Professional teeth whitening is all about removing stains from your teeth safely and effectively. This is not to mention that the whitening agents dentists use are much stronger than anything you could make at home. As a result, your teeth will be far whiter.

This is not to mention that this kind of dental procedure is relatively easy and fast. Usually, it doesn’t take any longer than an hour. Most dentists use a type of hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth. 

However, this isn’t any old hydrogen peroxide. Instead, it is concentrated and, as a result, powerful.

Understanding the Teeth Whitening Procedure 

The dentist will apply this substance to your teeth and let it sit for a certain period. 

As the hydrogen peroxide sits, it will slowly eat away at the stains left on your tooth enamel. This should not hurt at all. In fact, it shouldn’t feel much like anything. 

Your dentist may also choose to use a special light to help speed up the whitening process, but not all dentists do this. After a certain period, the dentist will remove the hydrogen peroxide gel from your teeth. You will be able to see the difference at once.

Instead of having dull, yellow teeth, you will find that your teeth will be several shades lighter. This is not to mention that this procedure is much safer than brushing your teeth with baking soda. So even though it might cost you more than DIY teeth whitening methods, the professional option is still worth it because it is much more effective. 

Everything You Need to Know About Professional and DIY Teeth Whitening

While there are plenty of DIY teeth whitening methods you can try, they will only be able to whiten your teeth to a certain extent. More than that, they might even be harmful to your teeth. Professional teeth whitening services, on the other hand, are much more effective while being much safer at the same time. 

To learn more about teeth whitening and other dental care services in Bellefontaine, Ohio, contact us here.


May 3, 2022 Uncategorized

Summer is the time of barbecues and fun in the sun. Eating seasonal foods during your summer fun can have many benefits for your health and the environment. Popular summer foods include watermelon, mangos, corn, and much more. 

However, sometimes these delicious summer foods aren’t so good for your teeth. Whether your teeth are damaged or stained, some summer food is just the worst for your teeth!

In this guide, we’ll explore all the summer foods that are bad for your teeth. For those concerned about their dental health, it’s best to avoid them or limit their intake.

Corn on the Cob

Corn is certainly in season during the summer. But, among the foods bad for teeth, corn on the cob is certainly up there. 

Corn itself isn’t a bad food for teeth. However, eating it off the cob can dislocate fillings or cause chipping of the teeth. Corn is especially dangerous if you have weaker teeth or a large number of implants or fillings. 

If you are someone with weaker teeth, try cutting your corn off the cob. People with braces should also consider cutting their corn, as corn can easily get stuck between braces or damage them.

You should also remember to floss and brush your teeth after eating corn. Kernels can easily get stuck between teeth, causing plaque build-up.

Fruit Juice

Delicious fruity drinks are one of the best parts of summer. But, did you know that fruit juice is actually one of the worst drinks for your teeth? 

The high acid and sugar content of fruit juice can lead to tooth decay and tooth erosion, wearing down your enamel. Note that sodas can also cause tooth decay. If you want to enjoy bad drinks for your teeth, water is always the best choice.

However, if you really want to enjoy fruit juice, it’s best to dilute it with a little fizzy or flat water.


Alcohol and fruit juice often go hand in hand, which is a double whammy for your dental health. Alcohol can contribute to tooth decay, especially excessive drinking.

Fruity alcoholic drinks contribute to plaque build-up. Certain dark beers and wines can lead to serious staining. All in all, alcohol is best enjoyed in moderation throughout the summer to prevent tooth damage.


One of the superfoods of the summer season, blueberries are rich in antioxidants. Unfortunately, all these antioxidants cause a rich blue color that can stain your teeth. 

Blueberries can be especially staining for those with veneers or dentures. If you decide to eat blueberries, simply rinse your mouth out afterward to prevent staining.

Tooth whitening services can also help you clear up any staining caused by blueberries or other brightly-hued summer foods. 

Acidic Foods

Lots of fruits and vegetables in season during the summer are highly acidic. Acidic foods are some of the worst foods for teeth health. From ice-cold lemonade to tomato-based foods like ketchup and salsa, acidic foods can weaken your enamel and discolor your teeth.

Some highly acidic summer foods include:

  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Pineapples
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Pickles

Unlike sugary foods, you should wait a bit after eating acidic foods to brush your teeth. Brushing teeth with weakened enamel can wear them down and lead to permanent damage.

Instead of brushing, simply rinse your mouth out with flat water. This will help to rinse away any acid that may linger and break down your tooth’s surface.

Popsicles and Ice Cream

Many of us don’t like biting into ice cream. This is because of tooth sensitivity, which can cause pain when biting into cold treats.

Popsicles and ice cream are also full of sugar. Just like fruit juice, this can cause cavities and tooth decay. 

If you don’t want to avoid ice cream altogether, look for options with no sugar added. Also, remember to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after enjoying a treat to get rid of all that sugar. 

Ice Chewing

Though it’s not technically a food, many people enjoy chewing on ice to cool off during the hot summer months. However, chewing ice is one of the easiest ways to damage your pearly whites.

Ice chewing can cause a variety of damage, including:

  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • Damage or breakage to crowns, bridges, or partials
  • Jaw pain or damage
  • Gum pain or damage

If you want to eat some ice to help cool you down, opt for shaved ice or slushies, instead. Just remember to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth afterward to get rid of the sugar that can lead to plaque build-up.

How to Avoid Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth

There are still plenty of healthy summer treats that you can enjoy without having to worry too much about your teeth.

Seasonal vegetables like summer squash, cucumbers, and okra are all great for your health and won’t damage your teeth. Fruits like water and strawberries are also a good option!

As for beverages, water is always the best way to go. Be sure to rinse out your mouth if you decide to drink any sugar or alcoholic beverages.

You also don’t have to avoid damaging foods entirely. Remember, moderation is key. You should also rinse after eating damaging foods and don’t forget to brush and floss regularly.  

Keep Your Teeth Healthy All Summer Long

Now that you know some foods that are bad for your teeth, you can keep a better eye on your dental health all summer long. Keeping a proactive eye on your dental health can help you avoid dental emergencies. Don’t let dental problems get in the way of your summer fun.  

Contact our office to schedule a regular check-up or handle any dental emergencies that might arrive. When it comes to the dental needs of Bellefontaine, we’ve got you covered.


December 5, 2021 Uncategorized

Many people do not realize just what incredible amounts of value dentists provide for our society. Without dentists, we would suffer a lot more from pain and, in some cases, even from death. It is precisely because dentists are so valuable that there are more than 120,000 dentists employed just in the United States!

Of course, with so many dentists out there, there is a wide variety in terms of quality. There can be a big difference between an average dentist and a fantastic dentist. Finding the right family dentist is all about finding a fantastic dentist.

So what should you look for when you are picking a family dentist? Read on to learn all about the most important things that you should be looking for when you choose a family dentist!

1. Read Reviews to Find the Best Family Dentist

If you had to figure out how to choose a family dentist all on your own, it might take an exhausting amount of work. You would have to investigate the ins and outs of the many different ways that different offices do their work. Fortunately, many thousands of people will have already gone through this process, so you can rely on their knowledge.

Check out the ratings and reviews of the dentist offices that you are considering. You can generally find plenty of reviews on Google and Yelp.

The first thing to look at is the overall rating that each office receives. The higher the rating, the more likely it is that you will enjoy a great service at that dentist’s office. You might want to prioritize spending more time researching the dental offices that have the highest ratings.

On top of that, you should proceed to carefully read the written reviews as well. Overall ratings can be helpful, but it is the written reviews that will let you know why people are giving dental offices the ratings that they are. In some cases, you might discover that a dental office with excellent ratings earns those ratings by providing services that are not really what you are looking for.

2. Find a Dentist That Provides the Services You Need

That takes us to the next important thing to look at. Not every dentist’s office provides all the same services. You need to make sure that any dentist office that you look at can provide you with what you and your family need.

You might want to sit down and make a list of everything that you will require from a dental office. Then, you should ask offices which of the services they provide. If they do not provide one of the services that is an absolute necessity for you, then you can filter them out of your search process.

It can be helpful to perform this procedure as early as possible in the search process. That way, you can filter out some potential candidates before you spend too much time researching them. The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of time researching an office only to find out at the end that they don’t even provide one of the services that you are going to need.

3. Make Sure to Check on the Qualifications of a Dentist

Your teeth are extremely important, and you only get one set of adult teeth. It is essential that you find a dentist that is completely qualified. Along with their basic qualifications, it can help to find a family dentist that has as much experience as possible.

Of course, not all experience is equal. Sometimes, there is a big difference between the dentist with the most experience and the dentist with the most experience treating the particular issues that your family needs.

Make sure to ask dentists what kind of work they have spent most of their careers working on. The more they have worked on problems similar to yours, the more likely they will know exactly what to do with you and your family.

4. Check Out the Atmosphere of the Dentist Office for Yourself

No matter how much research to do online and over the phone, it is no substitute for checking things out for yourself. Once you have a dentist’s office that you think might work for you, you should go in for a visit. You can simply check things out, or you can actually receive some kind of service from the dentist.

This is a great way to help you decide between a few of the best candidates. A simple cleaning or other procedure can give you a lot of insight into what you can expect in the future if you decide to pick this office to be your family dentist.

Find the Best Family Dentist for Your Needs

We hope that you were able to take away something helpful from this brief article on a few of the most important things that you should keep in mind when you are trying to choose a great family dentist. In some places, there are a long list of possible dentists to choose from. Figuring out which one is the right choice for you can seem like a daunting prospect.

However, the work that you put in today to pick the right dentist will more than pay for itself. A few extra hours of research can turn into higher-quality dental visits for your whole family for many years to come. In other words, a little extra research is an investment that is well worth your time!

To learn more about how you can find and pick the best family dentist for your specific situation, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!


December 1, 2021 Uncategorized

About 35% of adults have neglected to visit a dentist in the past year. Skipping appointments could put your oral health at risk. You might not realize you’re experiencing issues until the problem develops further.

Are you new to the area and visiting the dental clinic for the first time? Here are a few tips that can help. Learning how to prepare for the dentist will ensure you’re equipped and calm beforehand.

You can find all the answers to your questions to ensure you prioritize your oral health this year.

Make the most of your upcoming appointment. Learn what to do before going to the dental clinic with this helpful guide today.

1. Find the Right Dentist

When learning how to prepare for the dentist, it’s important to find the right professional first. Choosing a qualified, experienced dentist will give you peace of mind. You can feel confident knowing an expert is handling your oral care.

There are over 199,000 businesses and 1,082,000 professionals in the dental industry. Not every dentist will have the hands-on experience or services you’re searching for. Vet your options beforehand to make sure you find the right fit.

For example, you might want to choose a practice like ours that focuses on providing gentle and pain-free care.

Consider speaking with friends, family members, or coworkers in the area. Ask them about the dental clinic they visit. They can help you develop a list of options.

If your personal network can’t help provide referrals, that’s okay. Use your favorite search engine instead. Google “best dentist near me” and start creating a list of options.

Vetting Your Options

Look into each professional’s work history. You can visit their website’s “About Us” page or profile. Look for a dentist who has the proper credentials and an up-to-date license.

Try to find a dentist who has years of hands-on experience in the industry as well. Then, determine if they prioritize continuing their education. These professionals strive to remain up-to-date regarding new procedures and technologies.

They’ll likely offer the best possible treatments and services.

While you’re online, look into the dentist’s reputation, too. Check their Google My Business or BBB profile for reviews. Make sure they don’t have any medical malpractice claims filed against them.

During your search, pull up Google Maps as well. Determine where the clinic is located. You might want to find a practice located near your home, work, or school.

Then, call to schedule your first appointment!

2. Gather Your Info

When learning how to prepare for the dentist, it helps to gather your information beforehand. Make sure the clinic has your prior dental records on file. They should have a record of your:

  • Previous dental procedures and treatments
  • Allergies
  • Medications you’re on
  • Overall medical history

This information will help your dentist prepare for your upcoming visit, too. They’ll have a better understanding of your dental care needs. They can also take the necessary precautions if you have any allergies.

Call the dental practice you used to visit and ask them to transfer your records as soon as possible.

3. Create a List

Before your appointment, make a list of the dental problems you’ve experienced or questions you want to ask. Make sure to create a list of any symptoms you’re experiencing, too. For example, you might want to make a note of when you experience symptoms.

Consider what’s causing your symptoms and how severe they were as well.

Writing everything down beforehand will ensure you don’t forget to ask certain questions during your appointment. If you’re nervous, it’s normal to forget to ask certain questions.

For example, you might want to ask:

  • What’s causing my symptoms
  • What treatments might I need in the future
  • Am I at risk of cavities or gingivitis
  • Do I have any alignment issues
  • Why am I grinding my teeth
  • What treatments will improve the appearance of my smile

Your dentist will use the questions you ask to develop a customized treatment plan. With their help, you can determine which procedures you’ll need to accomplish your goals.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Before your appointment, plan to arrive a little early. You’ll likely need to fill out your new patient documents. Consider calling the dental clinic before your appointment.

They might allow you to fill out the necessary documents before you arrive.

Arriving early can help minimize your stress. It will also give you time to calm down if you feel nervous.

Plan to get a good night’s sleep before your appointment. Getting enough sleep can also help minimize your stress. You can feel fresh and energized before visiting the dental clinic.

5. Brush Thoroughly

As you learn what to do before going to the dental clinic, make a plan to brush and floss beforehand.

Avoid vigorously brushing, though. You don’t want to wear down your natural tooth enamel or gum pain. Instead, use the proper technique when brushing your teeth.

You can also talk to your hygienist during your appointment to ensure you’re brushing properly. Improving your oral hygiene habits can ensure your teeth remain clean and healthy.

6. Remain Open and Honest

Make a plan to remain honest and upfront about your concerns during your appointment.

If you’re feeling anxious, let your dentist know beforehand. It can help them if they’re aware of your feelings and concerns. They’ll likely know how to make the process a little easier for you, too.

7. Schedule Your Next Appointment

Don’t forget to schedule your next appointment before leaving the dental practice.

During the appointment, ask the dentist if they have any concerns about your oral health. They might need you to visit more often than every six months. If they don’t have any concerns, schedule your next cleaning and check-up within that period.

Remember, regular check-ups will ensure you catch any oral health concerns before they can develop further.

Brush Up: 7 Tips to Help You Prepare for a Visit to the Dental Clinic

You don’t have to feel nervous about your upcoming dental appointment. Instead, learn how to prepare for the dentist using these tips. Knowing what to do before going to the dental clinic can help you feel calm and in control.

Don’t forget to schedule your upcoming appointment with a dentist you can trust.

Eager to schedule your appointment? We can’t wait to see you.

Contact us today to get started.


November 5, 2021 Uncategorized

Tooth decay is more common than you think, with around 26% of adults suffering from untreated tooth decay. Untreated tooth decay can lead to a variety of problems, including tooth loss.

If tooth decay is a problem for you, your dentist might suggest you get root canals and crowns to improve the health of your teeth. It’s not always required to get a root canal done when you have a crown, but most often you’ll need a crown when you get a root canal. So, what’s the difference?

This guide will go over everything you need to know about root canals and crowns. We’ll discuss why you would need both procedures done instead of one of them.

What is a Root Canal?

root canal is needed when a cavity reaches the pulp, or nerve, of your tooth. The procedure removes the soft tissues located inside of your tooth. It’s typically conducted when your tooth gets damaged or infected to the point where the inside of the pulp chamber is exposed to harmful things inside of your mouth like bacteria.

When the pulp gets infected, it can start to affect the surrounding bone, resulting in an abscess. This is extremely painful and will require dental intervention since it can’t heal on its own.

Signs that the pulp is infected include:

  • Sensitivity to sweets or hot/col
  • Pain to pressure or biting
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bad taste in your mouth

The signs will alert you on when to get a root canal. Sometimes you don’t notice any symptoms and you’re unaware of a problem until you go to the dentist.

During the procedure, your dentist will drill a hole into the affected tooth. Files of various widths are used to extract what’s inside of the pulp chamber. The dentist seals the whole with a crown and rubber material for stability.

What is a Crown?

dental crown is used to enhance and restore missing or damaged teeth. The crown covers an entire tooth above the gum line. In addition to providing strength to your tooth, it can improve its alignment, shape, and appearance.

Crowns are used in the following types of scenarios:

  • Preventing a weak tooth from fracturing
  • Replacing a large filling when there isn’t a lot of tooth structure left
  • Attaching a bridge
  • Restoring a fractured tooth
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering a tooth that’s had a root canal
  • Covering a poorly shaped or discolored tooth

Crowns are often performed as a procedure by themselves but they remedy a variety of dental issues.

When Do I Need a Crown Without a Root Canal?

Crowns are used to help people achieve whiter teeth. Certain stains, like ones caused by overexposure to fluoride or tooth decay, can’t be removed with traditional teeth whitening treatments. Crowns are used in those types of situations to cover discolored teeth.

Some chips and breaks don’t open up the tooth’s pulp chamber, so you wouldn’t need a root canal. The enamel is broken off during those types of injuries, so a crown protects your tooth to prevent sensitivity.

For some patients, a dental bridge is a better option for tooth replacement. The two teeth on each side of the gap typically get crowns during a bridge procedure. This strengthens the anchoring teeth as they prepare for the bridge.

When Wouldn’t I Need a Crown With a Root Canal?

As we mentioned before, a crown is typically the final step in a root canal as it seals and strengthens the tooth. However, a crown isn’t necessary in each case. If the affected tooth or teeth are in the front of the mouth, you might not need a crown since the teeth are fairly strong.

For canine or incisor teeth that are still fairly intact, a root canal without a crown might work just fine for your teeth. The teeth in the front of your mouth don’t get as much physical stress as your molars and premolars. That’s because they’re not used for chewing.

Molars and premolars that have a low fracture risk might also be suitable for only a filling after your root canal. Composite or silver fillings can provide a strong chewing surface and seal when a large amount of your tooth remains. Whether or not you need a crown with a root canal depends upon the location and health of the affected tooth.

How to Improve the Health of Your Teeth

While there are certain issues that are hard to avoid, there are certain steps you can take to help improve your chances of never needing a root canal.

One thing you should do is brush your teeth twice each day. Brush for at least two minutes each session. Make sure you brush your inner cheeks, gums, and tongue as well.

You should also floss at least once a day, especially after meals. When you floss, you remove bacteria and food particles from areas that your toothbrush can’t reach. This helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

Make an appointment twice a year with your dentist for teeth cleaning. Dentists and dental hygienists can remove built-up bacteria and plague that you might’ve missed with your toothbrush. They’re also able to detect potential problems early before they get to the point of needing a root canal.

If your dentist does detect a cavity, get it treated immediately. If it’s left untreated, the bacteria and damage will continue to spread. This could cause nerve damage and require a root canal to fix.

Contact Logan Dental Care for Root Canals and Crowns

As you can see, there are a variety of scenarios that would require a crown but not a root canal. Depending upon the health of your affected teeth, you might need a root canal. A crown will provide extra strength to your tooth in that type of situation, but your dentist can provide you with a personalized recommendation.

Contact Logan Dental Care to make an appointment. All of our procedures are gentle and pain-free, ensuring you have your dental work done in a relaxing and calm environment.


November 1, 2021 Uncategorized

The cosmetic dentistry industry continues to grow, with it expected to reach a value of $32.73 billion by 2026. Cosmetic dentistry is a great option to improve the appearance and health of your teeth. Although cosmetic dentistry procedures are typically elective, some of them can provide restorative benefits for your teeth.

You shouldn’t have to feel self-conscious about your smile. This guide will go over the different types of cosmetic dentistry treatments and what they’re best used for.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Before we dive into the best cosmetic dental procedures, let’s go over what cosmetic dentistry is. A cosmetic dentist performs different procedures, from major surgeries to minor fixes. They’re focused on improving the appearance of your:

  • Teeth
  • Mouth
  • Overall smile
  • Gums

There are various reasons why you might want to talk to a dentist about cosmetic dentistry procedures. These reasons include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Damage, like chips or cracks
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Discoloration

Some of these issues could result in difficulty speaking or eating. If you’re suffering from any problems with your teeth, don’t hesitate to contact a dentist.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening or bleaching is a popular procedure done by cosmetic dentists. It’s typically performed in one visit to the dentist’s office.

The first step in the process is the dental hygienist will remove tartar, plaque, and additional debris from the surface of your teeth. A bleaching agent is then used to whiten your teeth a lighter shade than their original color.

Teeth become stained over the years from drinks, food, personal habits, and medication. Whitening your teeth will brighten them up at an affordable price. It’s also a great option for those not wanting to make a major commitment.

Onlays and Inlays

Another term for this type of procedure is indirect fillings. Onlays and inlays are used when one of your teeth has mild or moderate decay or not enough tooth structure to support a dental filling. The indirect fillings are created in a dental laboratory.

So long as there isn’t any damage to the tooth cusps, the inlay adheres directly onto the surface of your tooth. If the cusp of a large portion of your tooth is damaged, your dentist might use an onlay to protect your tooth’s surface.

In the past, onlays and inlays were made of gold. They’re now made of a composite of ceramic or porcelain material. They’re attached to your tooth with dental cement.

Indirect fillings provide support to your teeth. They restore their shape, strengthen them, and help avoid any further deterioration or decay.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are another popular type of cosmetic dentistry. They’re a thin porcelain shell that fits over the surface of your tooth. They look realistic and can fix a variety of cosmetic problems, including:

  • Damaged or cracked enamel
  • Discolored teeth
  • Noticeable spacing

Your teeth are slightly filed down to make room for the veneers. They’re custom-made to fit your teeth. They’re typically color matched so they can blend in with your existing teeth, but if you’re having a full set of veneers done, you can choose the color.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom-made to fit over your entire tooth. They’re usually made from porcelain or acrylic that’s been fused to a type of metal so the crown can withstand your biting pressure.

Crowns are similar to veneers in that they can help treat decayed or damaged teeth. However, more tooth is removed to make space for the crown, making it a more invasive procedure than veneers.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding repairs damaged, discolored, or decayed teeth using a material that closely resembles your tooth enamel color. Your dentist will drill out the decayed part of your tooth. They’ll then apply the composite onto the surface of your tooth.

After that, they’ll then sculpt it into the correct shape before they cure it with very intense light. Composite bonding covers your tooth’s damage, giving the appearance of a healthy tooth. It’s a cost-effective option to help patients suffering from worn-down edges or tooth decay.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be a great option for you. There are multiple reasons you could have missing teeth, such as an injury or periodontal disease.

With dental implants, a metal post is adhered surgically adhered to your jawbone. Once the metal post is in place, and the jawbone around the implant has healed, an artificial tooth is attached to the metal post. Dental implants are a more expensive option, but they provide those with missing teeth with various benefits.

Dental implants are a better route than bridgework since they don’t need the nearby teeth for support. One thing to keep in mind is that you do need a certain amount of jawbone, and healthy comes to support dental implants.


Braces improve the look of your teeth if they’re crowded or crooked. They can also help fix an irregular bite and correct your jaw’s position. Braces are typically worn for a few months but sometimes longer, depending upon the person.

Your dentist will bond brackets made from plastic, metal, or ceramic to your teeth. Then, they’ll place wires through those brackets. These wires guide your teeth into the right position.

After the braces are attached, you’ll visit your dentist regularly to have them tightened. Once they’re removed, you’ll have to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in the new position. Retainers can be permanently bonded to your teeth or removable.

Make an Appointment at Logan Dental for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Needs

Whether you’re looking to have a cosmetic dentistry procedure done or routine teeth cleaning, Logan Dental is the premier choice in the Bellefontaine area. Our gentle and pain-free process will ensure you feel safe and comfortable while in our clinic.

Contact our office today to book a consultation.


October 5, 2021 Uncategorized

A study by the American Association of Orthodontics found that more than 33% of people in the United States are not happy with their smiles. Many of these people face insecurities about the color or shape of their teeth and want to find ways to improve the aesthetics of their smiles.

Something that can improve nearly any aspect of your smile is dental veneers. Do you want to learn more about the benefits of veneers? Keep reading this guide for everything you need to know about this dental procedure.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a type of covering for your teeth that gives them a natural appearance. Many people use veneers to improve aesthetic problems with their mouth, from discolored teeth to crooked teeth and more.

Because this is not a necessary treatment, veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment, similar to teeth whitening.

Veneers look like natural teeth and are typically made of porcelain or composite resin. They are wafer-thin shells, so they will not make your teeth appear bulky or unnatural.

Because they are made from strong materials, they will cover the surface of your teeth while still providing the strength of your natural teeth.

To make sure your veneers look natural, your dentist will customize your veneers to be the best shape and color for your teeth.

Veneer Treatment Process

Getting veneers can be a lengthy process, as you want to be sure you get the best shape and color for your teeth.

First, you will meet with your dentist for a veneer consultation. In this appointment, you can learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of getting veneers. You can also talk more about your other questions or concerns before you get your veneers.

During your consultation, you need to discuss your end goals with your dentist. This will help you get the results you are looking for.

Next, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth so they can create veneers that will fit perfectly over your existing teeth.

Before your veneers are placed, your dentist needs to remove a bit of the enamel from your teeth. This will provide enough room for your veneers to be placed.

Next, your dentist will send the model of your teeth to a laboratory to create your veneers if you are using porcelain veneers. In some cases, you may have temporary veneers placed.

Finally, once your dentist ensures that your veneers have the right shape, fit, and color, they will bond it to your teeth to make sure it is a permanent solution.

Types of Veneers

There are a few different types of materials used for veneers you can choose from that vary in price, durability, and more.

First, you can use porcelain veneers. These are durable and can last up to 20 years.

However, they are a more expensive option and may cost over $1,000 per tooth. These may also take longer to make, which means you will have to wait longer between your appointments before getting your veneers placed.

Another common material used for veneers is composite resin. These are a much less expensive alternative and may even cost half the price of porcelain veneers.

Because these can be fabricated quickly, you may be able to get your veneers placed on the same day as your appointment. Composite veneers also require less prep work on your teeth, so they do not have to be a permanent solution.

Both of these materials are great options, so you may want to discuss your options with your dentist before making a decision.

Benefits of Veneers

There are many benefits of getting dental veneers placed. One of the biggest benefits is that veneers can improve a variety of dental problems. Whether you have seriously stained teeth, gaps, or even a crooked tooth, veneers can improve the appearance of your smile.

Next, veneers are much less intrusive than other options, like dental crowns or braces.

Rather than getting a painful procedure done to close gaps or fix your misaligned smile, veneers can fix these problems faster and more effectively.

Finally, veneers are also a great way to boost your confidence. If you have discolored or chipped teeth, it can be easy to feel self-conscious of your smile. Veneers can improve your confidence in your smile.

Are You a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Lastly, you need to be sure that you are a good candidate for veneers before you get the treatment.

First, veneers are not a great option for patients who have problems with clenching or grinding their teeth. While veneers are made out of strong materials, they can still be chipped or broken.

You also need to be sure that your teeth and gums are healthy before you get your veneers placed. Because these are coverings for your teeth, you need to treat any disease or decay before getting veneers.

Something else you may want to consider is “Do I need veneers?” If you are trying to improve simple dental problems, like teeth discoloration, you may want to consider an easier treatment, like teeth whitening.

Finally, it is important to realize that you will have to remove some of your tooth enamel to get your veneers. Enamel cannot be regrown or replaced, so it is important to be aware of the permanence of getting veneers.

Want Dental Veneers? Find a Dental Provider Today

Veneers are a great solution for many dental health problems, whether you want whiter teeth or if you want to improve the shape of your smile.

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of getting dental veneers? Logan Dental Care can help! We offer pain-free dental services from preventative care to cosmetic dentistry and can help you find the best option to improve your smile.

Contact our office today to learn more about veneers and to request an appointment with our dental team.


September 5, 2021 Uncategorized

Are you concerned about the appearance of your teeth? Perhaps you’ve started hiding your smile lately. You’re not the only one.

In fact, over half of America feels insecure about their teeth. About 57% of Americans cover their mouths when they laugh due to insecurity over their teeth. Another 61% wish they could change something about their teeth.

“Lack of whiteness” is the top concern, too.

With teeth whitening treatment, you can improve the state of your smile and start grinning from ear to ear. Whitening your teeth can boost your self-confidence and oral health, too.

On the fence about scheduling a treatment? Here are six benefits of tooth whitening to consider first.

After reading this guide, you can make a more informed decision with your teeth, appearance, and dental health in mind. Read on to learn more today!

1. Boost Your Self-Confidence

One of the top benefits of tooth whitening treatments is their ability to improve your self-esteem and confidence.

Remember, many people feel self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth. If your teeth have started looking discolored, you might try to hide your smile. Don’t shy away from showing off your gorgeous grin!

Instead, consider talking to your dentist about the tooth whitening process. Whitening your teeth will encourage you to show off your smile. You’ll feel more confident at work, on a date, or in other social settings.

Whitening your teeth will show other people that you care about your appearance, too. They’ll recognize that you take care of yourself.

When you look better, you’ll also feel better. A brighter smile can brighten your mood. In fact, many people associate a portion of their self-worth with their appearance.

You can use your renewed self-confidence to take new risks in social settings. You might decide to introduce yourself to new people or engage in new activities.

Since looking better can help you feel better, your mental health might improve as well.

In fact, bad oral hygiene can lead to cognitive issues and disease down the road. Instead, you can keep your brain happy and healthy by whitening your teeth.

Otherwise, stressing about your physical appearance can cause mental health issues. Cortisol, the stress hormone, can also impact your physical wellbeing.

Instead of letting stress take over, help your confidence (and smile) shine!

2. Enhance Your Appearance

Improving the appearance of your smile with a whitening treatment can improve your overall appearance.

Otherwise, coffee, tea, and food dyes can stain your teeth over time. You can use whitening treatments to combat stains.

Improving your overall appearance by brightening your smile could brighten your future as well. Having a stunning smile could affect the opportunities you find in life. Appearances can impact how people perceive you.

Brightening your smile could help you stand out in interviews, meetings, and other settings. You could find opportunities you might miss out on due to a dull smile.

3. It’s Cost-Effective

The teeth whitening market could reach nearly $8 billion in revenue by 2026. That’s a CAGR of over 6.33% between 2020 and 2026. More people are experiencing the stunning benefits of tooth whitening treatments firsthand.

Not many people realize that the tooth whitening process is a cost-effective treatment option. You can schedule an in-office treatment or ask for a touch-up kit. The results will far exceed the price tag, too.

It can also help to know that teeth whitening treatment options are safe, fast, and effective.

Treatment is gentle and pain-free, too.

Many other procedures can take time out of your busy day. If you neglect your teeth now, it could cause extensive problems down the road. Instead, you can whiten your teeth to avoid potential oral health issues.

Whitening your teeth will likely prove more cost-effective than more extensive treatments. You can whiten your smile in about an hour. Then, you can maintain it for years to come.

Scheduling an appointment with your dentist will prove more effective than over-the-counter treatment options. Don’t waste your money and time. Instead, invest in your smile with professional treatment.

4. Minimize the Appearance of Wrinkles

Improving your smile with teeth whitening treatments can minimize the appearance of wrinkles, too.

As we grow older, our natural collagen production declines. Collagen keeps your skin looking firm and supple. If you’re getting older and worried about the appearance of wrinkles, consider whitening your teeth.

People won’t focus their attention on your wrinkles. Instead, they’ll notice your bright, white smile.

You can draw their attention away from frown lines, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Meanwhile, you’ll improve your overall appearance at the same time, too!

5. Draw People In

Remember, improving the appearance of your smile can help you feel more confident. When you feel confident, you’re more inclined to smile throughout the day. Your smile could help you draw people in.

It could even help you leave a lasting impression on the people you meet.

You might have an easier time meeting friends or future romantic partners. Your appearance could have a major impact on social interactions.

6. Improved Oral Health

Improving the appearance of your smile with tooth whitening treatment could benefit your overall oral health.

Otherwise, poor oral health can lead to future problems. In fact, neglecting your oral health can contribute to heart conditions, organ failure, or even cancer.

Consider scheduling a consultation appointment with your local dentist. They can remove the stains from your teeth. Professional treatments will strengthen your teeth, helping you improve and maintain your oral health.

Your overall hygiene will benefit, too. Once you whiten your teeth, you’ll want to keep them white. You might start spending more time brushing thoroughly as a result.

Learning to maintain your teeth and overall appearance can help you avoid oral health problems in the future.

Stunning Smiles: 6 Benefits of Tooth Whitening to Keep in Mind

Don’t let a discolored smile impact your self-confidence. Instead, give your confidence the boost it needs! Consider scheduling a tooth whitening treatment today.

Once you brighten your smile, you can start showing it off. Begin grinning ear to ear with your stunning smile by undergoing the tooth whitening process.

Eager to explore your treatment options? We can help.

Contact us today to get started.

About Us

Superior dental care for the whole community in Bellefontaine, Ohio! Feel confident coming to Logan Dental Care where most of our dental hygienists have over 30 years of experience.

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Logan Dental Care

1021 N. Main Street
Bellefontaine, OH 43311
Phone: 937-292-7828

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